North Coast Amateur Radio Club

Trustee Membership Minutes for February 01, 2018 Meeting.

18:30 PM by Fred N8AHS  --
Member Roll Call was taken. KB8A, K8SCI, K8VMC, N8QXC, WB8CYI, K8MLS, N8KJT and XYL Bobbie, 
WB8UDA, KD8NGC, K8DMM, (via Skype WD8EFF and WD8EFK) and Nick AC8ZG (Guest)

 Minutes for July, August 2017 were published, Rick K8SCI motioned to approve those minutes,
it was seconded by Tom WD8EFF, vote taken motion approved.  
Treasurer Dan reports that The bills are paid and there is money in the bank.


2 meter net:  Nothing to report  Sunshine:  Nothing to report 

Membership:  No new members Newsletter:  Nothing to report 

Education:  Nothing to report  Program: Nothing to report

Field Day:   Planning Committee scheduled for June 2, 2018.

Awards:  Nothing to report  Fund Raising:  Nothing to report 

Technical Committee: 440 updated. 

Donut Duty volunteers: March Fred, April Norb, May Mary, June Mary Lou. 

Unfinished Business: No unfinished Busiess

New Business:  Upcoming Program will be "What is the Decibel"  presented by Tom K8DMM. 

Question:  Is there anything you would like to see at the Membership Meetings?  Any ideas, suggestions?  Let the Trustees know.  

19:37 Motion to adjourn Trustee  Meeting by KD8NGC   Second K8SCI Vote taken, Motion approved. 

Membership Minutes for February 01, 2018 Meeting



North Coast Amateur Radio Club - Past/Older Meeting Minutes

North Coast Amateur Radio Club  

Trustee meeting

Trustee Membership Minutes for March 15, 2018 Meeting.

18:30 PM by Fred N8AHS  -- Member Roll Call was taken. N8AHS, KB8A, K8SCI, K8VMC,
Non-Members N8PZD, N8FND

 Minutes for February 2018 were published, Mary KD8NGC  motioned to approve the minutes,
it was seconded by Rick K8SCI, a vote was taken and the motion was approved.  
Treasurer Dan reports that The bills are paid and there is money in the bank.

2 meter net:  Nothing to report  Sunshine:  Nothing to report 
Membership:  No new members Newsletter:  Nothing to report 
Education:  Nothing to report 
Program: "What is the Decimel"  presented by Tom K8DMM. 
Field Day:   Planning Committee scheduled for June 2, 2018.
Awards:  Nothing to report 
Fund Raising:  Nothing to report 
Technical Committee: 440 Call Sign updated. 
Donut Duty volunteers: April Norb, May Mary, June Mary Lou. 

Unfinished Business: Tom K8DMM presented a sample of what will be a club business cards
needed approval to order the cards.  Rick K8SCI motioned to order 200 cards for the club distribution, 
Mary KD8NGC 2nd the motion.  Vote taken motion approved
New Business:  Rick K8SCI, motion to award 5 Yeasu/Fusion shirts to the clean out crew who
participated in a club project in helping a fellow amateur. 
2nd by Mary KD8NGC,  Vote taken  Motion approved.
19:37 Motion to adjourn Trustee  Meeting by KD8NGC  
Second WD8EFF Vote taken, Motion approved. 

19:05 Reopened Trustee Membership Meeting to vote in a new member
New member Tom, KB8LBH, Vote taken Member approved.  Welcome Tom.  

Motion to adjourn KD8NGC Second by WD8EFF, Vote taken Motion approved at 19:08. 

Membership Minutes for February 01, 2018 Meeting



North Coast Amateur Radio Club  

 Membership Meeting Minutes for April 19, 2018 Meeting.


18:30 PM by Fred N8AHS  -- Member Roll Call was taken. N8AHS, K8SCI, K8VMC, N8QXC,

WB8CYI, N8KJT, WB8UDA, KC8CB, (via skype WD8EFF, WD8EFK)


 Minutes for March 2018 were published, Rick K8SCI motioned to approve the minutes, it was

seconded by Bill K8VMC.  A vote was taken and the motion was approved.


2 meter net:  Nothing to report  Sunshine:  Nothing to report 

Membership:  No new members Newsletter:  Nothing to report 

Education:  Nothing to report 

Program: "Homebrew Night" Many members brought in items to share.

Field Day:   Planning Committee scheduled for June 2, 2018.

Awards:  Nothing to report 

Fund Raising:  Cuyahoga Falls Hamfest was a great success. 

Technical Committee: Nothing to report

Donut Duty volunteers: May Mary, June Marylou. 

Unfinished Business:  The club proceeded to write a check to reimburse Tom K8DMM for $37.31 for having the NCARC business cards printed up. Tom was not at the meeting but sent both the cards and a receipt for the amount he spent to the meeting with Joe N8QXC.  This was approved by the Members attending last months Meeting.

New Business: 

19:37 Motion to adjourn Membership Meeting by N8QXC, Second by WD8EFF.        Vote taken, Motion approved.  

The above minutes are respectfully submitted by Heidi - WD8EFK, and I welcome
any comments and suggestions for correction and improvement.
73, de Heidi - WD8EFK


North Coast Amateur Radio Club

Trustee Membership Minutes for January 04, 2018 Meeting.

18:55 PM by Fred N8AHS  --
Member Roll Call was taken. KB8A, K8SCI, K8VMC, N8QXC, WB8CYI, K8MLS,
N8KJT, WB8UDA, (via Skype WD8EFF and WD8EFK)

 Minutes were not published cannot be approved. 
Treasurer Dan reports that The bills are paid and there is money in the bank.


2 meter net:  Nothing to report  Sunshine:  Nothing to report 

Membership:  No new members Newsletter:  Nothing to report 

Education:  Nothing to report  Field Day:   scheduled for 6/28.29/2018.

Program:  elections Awards:  Nothing to report  Donut duty in new busiess   Fund Raising:  Nothing to report 

Technical Committee: power supply changed. 

Sunshine: passed a sympathy card around for signatures for Craig Lovejoy, (Brad's KD8DWK, sk) brother. 
Brad passed away 11/19/2017

Unfinished Business: No unfinished Busiess

New Business: Rick motioned for NCARC to prioceed with a page on the web site,
the page will be managed by Bill K8VMC.  it was 2nd by WD8EFF vote taken motion passed. 

Donut Duty volunteers, are February Marylou, March Fred, April Norb, May Mary, June Mary Lou. 

19:37 Motion to adjourn Trustee  Meeting by K8SCI   Second K8VMC Vote taken, Motion approved

Membership Minutes for January 04, 2018 Meeting



North Coast Amateur Radio Club  
Trustee Membership Minutes for November 09, 2017 Meeting. 

18:35 PM by Dan KB8A  -- Member Roll Call was taken. 
Minutes were not published cannot be approved. 
Treasurer Mary Lou reports that The bills are paid and there is money in the bank.


2 meter net:  Nothing to report  Sunshine:  Nothing to report 

Membership:  No new members Newsletter:  Nothing to report 

Education:  Nothing to report  Field Day:   Nothing to report  .

Program:  elections Awards:  Nothing to report  Donut duty

Fund Raising:  Nothing to report 

Technical Committee:Nothing to report  

Unfinished Business: 

New Business: Veterans Day Saturday, round of applause for our veterans.

At the Library the first two 2018 meetings will be held on the 1st Thursday of the month. 
The meeting room unavailable on the 2nd Thursday.  So that is January 4th and February 1
st, 2018. 

19:07 Motion to adjourn Trustee  Meeting by WD8UDA  Second KD8NGC Vote taken, Motion approved. 

Membership Minutes for November 09, 2017 Meeting

. The Membership  Meeting being held at the Strongsville Public Library was called to order at

19:13 by Dan KB8A  -- Member Roll Call was taken. 
Minutes were not published cannot be approved. 
Treasurer Mary Lou reports that The bills are paid and there is money in the bank

There is no reportable activity from the current committee's with the exception of the Nomination committee.  

Fred Heyse N8AHS was nominated for President  no other candidates,  Fred accepted

Tom K8DMM was nominated for Vice-President no other candidates Tom accepted

Dan KB8A was nominated for Treasure no other candidates Dan accepted

Heidi WD8EFK was nominated for Secretary, no other candidates, Heidi accepted

Elected by proclamation with out opposition  New Officers for 2018 

Three trustee positions are opened for 2018 Nominated are 

 Mary Lou K8MLS, Bill Spring K8VMC, and Norb N8KJT.  There were no other nominations, all accepted. 

Rick K8SCI motioned to Close the 2018 Nominations 2nd by KD8NGC vote taken Motion approved. 

Motion to close the Membership meeting by KD8GC, 2nd by K8VMC  Vote taken motion approved

meeting closed at 19:33

NCARC July 2018 Membership Meeting
Open: 7:00 P.M.
Present: Mary Lou-K8MLS, Dan-KB8A, Rick-K8SCI, Joe-N8QXC, Tom-K8DMM, Karen-guest; wife of Tom K8DMM,
Norb-N8KJT, Bobbie-SWL-wife of Norb and an NCARC member, Fred-WB8UDA, Paul-WB8CYI and Fred-N8AHS.
Total No. In Attendance: 11 NCARC members and one guest for a total number in attendance of 12.

Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Dan reported that forms 501-C-3 and 990 have been filed for NCARC.
                  Dan KB8A simply stated that there is money in the bank and that all the NCARC's bills have been paid.

Field Day: Per information provided by Bill K8VMC we had 296 SSB contacts. Rick K8SCI submitted our results
to the ARRL and has received confirmation from the League that our results were received.
Thank you Bill, Rick and all others for your work in making a successful Field Day for the NCARC.

Sunshine: Mary KD8NGC is in the Northwestern Nursing Home on North Rocky River Drive in Berea and
would appreciate any and all visitors to her there.
Bill Schultz AC8CO of Cuyahoga County ARES and also of LEARA became a Silent Key on Wednesday July 11, 2018.
As far as I know, AC8CO was Bill's original callsign. Bill was the father of David Schultz AD8WS, also of
Cuyahoga County ARES.
As a related footnote: please note that the newest website is for Cuyahoga County ARES.

Membership: No new membership applications have been received.
Dues are due for renewal as of 7/1/18 for all current NCARC members.

Approval Of Minutes: For the June 2018 NCARC minutes as published by Rick K8SCI on the club's website:
Motion made by Mary Lou K8MLS and seconded by Rick K8SCI.  
Motion passed by voice vote.

2 Meter Net: The NCARC Informal Net will change to a new starting time of 8 P.M. Sunday evenings
beginning with the net on Sunday August 5, '18.
Check out NCARC Facebook postings as well as the club's website per Rick K8SCI.

Program, Education, Awards, New Business, Old Business and Fundraising: Nothing to report.
Technical: No changes per Rick K8SCI.  Rick asked Norb N8KJT to tighten the squelch on the 443.15 MHz repeater.
Motion To Adjourn: Made by Rick K8SCI. Seconded by Norb N8KJT. Passed by voice vote.

Close: 7:11 P.M.

Thank you all most kindly for your attention to the above which I submit for your attention and scrutiny.
Please let me know of any questions, comments or suggestions for improvement to that which I have typed out
above.   Please take care and I wish each of you and yours a healthy and happy balance of the summer.

Best 73s, Fred Heyse N8AHS -  

NCARC September 6, 2018 Trustees Meeting:

Open: 6:32 P.M.
Present: KD8NGC-Mary, K8MLS-Mary Lou, KB8A-Dan, K8DMM-Tom, WB8CYI-Paul, KD8JQ-Don, K8SCI-Rick, N8QXC-Joe and N8AHS-Fred.

Approval Of Minutes As Published: Motion: KD8NGC-Mary. Second: K8MLS-Mary Lou. Motion passed.

Treasurer's Report: NCARC Treasurer KB8A-Dan reported there ismoney in the Bank and the Bills are paid.

Field Day: Please see the upcoming November 2018 edition of QST for the publishing of the NCARC '18 Field Day results, under our club call of N8NC (5A-Battery). Thanks again to all who made the 2018 NCARC Field Day efforts a success.

Sunshine: KD8NGC-Mary was able to attend the NCARC September meeting.

Membership: KE8CCE Scott Paris of Berea was voted in as a new NCARC member. Welcome to the club Scott!
K8MLS-Mary Lou reports that 8 current NCARC members still need to pay their dues for 2018-'19.

Two Meter Net: Still need new Net Control operators and a new person to alternate transmitting the Amateur Radio Newsline with KB8A-Dan.

Technical: It was passed along to K8DMM-Tom that N8PZD-Clark iswilling to assist in the Programming and installation of the Clubs new 443.150 Repeater. A coordination effort will be attempted to see if that can be done.

New Business: 1). Code practice on the 145.29 MHz repeater may be discussed at a NCARC Meeting soon.
                                  2). Dan-KB8A indicated that the January and February 2019 NCARC meetings will be held on the first Thursday of each month.

Old Business: Cleveland Hamfest Sunday September 23, '18 at the Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds in Berea.

Motion To Adjourn: KD8NGC-Mary. Second: K8SCI-Rick. Motion passed.

Close: 7:04 P.M.

NCARC September 6. 2018 Membership Meeting

Open: 7:06 P.M.

Present: Same as those present at the Trustees Meeting above
All Other Topics Covered In The NCARC September '18 Trustees Meeting:  The same with no changes noted by those present.

Motion to Adjourn: KD8NGC-Mary. Second: KB8A-Dan. Motion passed.
Close: 7:07 P.M.

The minutes as listed above are respectfully submitted by N8AHS-Fred and I welcome any questions, comments and/or suggestions for improvement to the minutes as noted here.
73, Fred Heyse
440-532-9904 (cell) 440-234-0914 (home)

October 2018 North Coast Amateur Radio Club meetings:

Trustees And Membership Meeting (Meetings were combined just past 7 P.M. per Rick's suggestion and with no objections from those present):
Open: 6:38 P.M.
Present: K8SCI-Rick, KD8NGC-Mary, K8DMM-Tom, N8PZD-Clark, N8AHS-Fred, WB8CYI-Paul, K8VMC-Bill and N8QXC-Joe.
Total Number Present: 8 (7 members and 1 guest).
Treasurer's Report: Rick relayed to those present that NCARC Treasurer Dan KB8A had reported to him that the NCARC's bills are paid, and that the club has money in the bank.
Approval Of The September '18 minutes On The Website As Published: Motion: Mary-KD8NGC. Second: Tom-K8DMM. Motion passed by voice vote of the members present.
Membership: Nothing new to report for the October NCARC meeting except possibly that there may still be some NCARC members that still need to renew for 2018-'19.
Sunshine: Mary-KD8NGC reported that Mary Lou-K8MLS is recovering from her recent operation and Mary said that she will send Mary Lou a card soon. (Note please that this has been done since the meeting.)
Field Day: Field Day 2019 will be held the weekend of June 22 and June 23, '19, the fourth full weekend of June.  Please note that FD '19 is to be held the second to last weekend in June of next year, not the last weekend. The NCARC Field Day '19 planning meeting is tentatively to be held Saturday June 1, '19 at 10 A.M. at the Strongsville Library.  Field Day '18 results should be found in the December 2018 edition of QST.  Sorry that I erroneously reported earlier that this would be the November '18 edition.
2 Meter Net: Bill-K8VMC let us know during the meeting that he is willing to program the 145.29 repeater to transmit the Newsline during the Sunday Evening Informal Net the same way the repeater is now programmed to transmit the ARRL Audio News Friday evenings at 8 P.M. This would obviously give Dan needed relief. Thank you Bill, for your suggestion which I think still needs to be discussed with Dan.  Apart from this, additional Net Control operators are still needed.
Program(s): Tom-K8DMM gave us Part I of his presentation on the Oscilloscope. Part II set for the November '18 meeting. Tom also presented Kirk-W0KM's CW practice sessions on the 145.29 repeater proposal.
Education: K8ALG-Andy Gross of the Lorain County Amateur Radio Association is studying for his General Class license using materials formerly owned by NCARC Trustee Ayn-KD8YIE (SK).
Technical: Clark Beckman-N8PZD of the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society has very graciously offered his services to the NCARC in getting our new 440 MHz repeater programmed and on the air to replace the current repeater we have on 443.15 MHz. Tom-K8DMM and Norb-N8KJT are to work with Clark on this. Additionally we need to talk with Norb about getting the Comet CX-333 antenna guy wires at the 224.76 and 443.15 repeater site replaced since the repeaters were relocated there in 1998 and 20 years has passed using the same wires that are now there have been in use and the wires are noted to have weathered.
New Business: Donut Duty: a list of volunteers from January to June '19 still needs to be drawn up.
Old Business: Rick has started a list of attendees for the 2018 December Christmas Meeting to be held at 6 P.M. on Thursday 12/20/18 in the Florence Room at Santo's Italian Restaurant in Middleburg Heights.  Unless you've already done so, please let Rick know of your plans to attend so that an accurate list of attendees can be kept.
Motion To Adjourn: Mary-KD8NGC. Second: Joe-N8QXC. Motion passed by voice vote of the members present.
Close: 7:23 P.M.
The October 2018 NCARC Meeting Minutes as listed above are respectfully submitted by Fred-N8AHS and I welcome any questions, comments or suggestions for improvement to them.
     Best 73s,

January '19 NCARC Trustees Meeting

January 3, 2019 - Open: 6:50 P.M.- Strongsville Branch of the Cuyahoga County Library

Present: Mary KD8NGC, Mary Lou K8MLS, Fred WB8UDA, Paul WB8CYI, Rick K8SCI, Dan KB8A, Tom K8DMM, Norb N8KJT, Joe N8QXC and Fred N8AHS. Total Number listed in attendance: 10

Treasurer's Report: Dan KB8A reports that there is money in the bank and that the bills are paid

Field Day: Winter Field Day will be held on Saturday January 26, 2019. Rick brought the QST report for the summary of Field Day 2018. Field Day 2019 will be Saturday June 22 and Sunday June 23, '19. Please note that this is the fourth and not the last weekend of June 2019.

Sunshine, Awards, Membership, Newsletter, Approval of Minutes, 2 Meter Net, Program & Education: Nothing new to report for the January NCARC Trustees Meeting.

Technical: Rick renewed all 3 NCARC repeaters with the Ohio Area Repeater Council.

New Business: Tom K8DMM to give an Amateur Radio demonstration to Cub Scout Pack 715 after 7 P.M. at their Meeting location in the gymnasium of Surrarrer Elementary, (Strongsville). Tom will call for an on the air demonstration and Joe N8QXC will answer on the N8NC 145.29 MHz repeater. Possibly an HF demonstration as well.

Old Business: Any Cub Scout can get a free one year membership in the NCARC after earning his FCC Amateur Radio License.

Fundraising: Cuyahoga Falls Hamfest coming early in 2019, per information provided by Joe N8QXC.

Motion To Adjourn: Mary Lou K8MLS. Second: Joe N8QXC

Close: 7:20 P.M

- - - - - - -

January '19 NCARC Membership Meeting

January 3, 2019 - Open: 7:22 P.M – Strongsville Branch of the Cuyahoga County Library

Present: Same as those present at the January '19 NCARC Trustees Meeting.

Treasurer's Report, Awards, Field Day, Membership, Newsletter, Approval of Minutes, 2 Meter Net,
Program, Education, Technical, Old Business and Fundraising: Unchanged from the January '19 NCARC Trustees Meeting

Sunshine: During the Membership Meeting Mary Lou K8MLS volunteered to take over the Sunshine Chair role since Mary KD8NGC feels that she is out of touch.

New Business: Dan reports that the NCARC meetings will be held on the first Thursday of each month at the Strongsville Library through June 2019.

Motion To Adjourn: Paul WB8CYI. Second: Mary KD8NGC

Close: 7:30 P.M.

The NCARC Minutes for January 2019 are respectfully submitted by Fred N8AHS and I welcome any comments, questions and suggestions for changes or improvement.

Best 73s,

Fred N8AHS

440-234-0914 (home)
440-532-9904 (cell)

North Coast Amateur Radio Club

February 07, 2019 -Trustee Meeting

Meeting called to order at 18:48 by President Fred Heyse - N8AHS
Roll Call , Dan KB8A, Joe N8QXC, Bill K8VMC, Mary KD8NGC, Mary Lou K8MLS, Fred WB8UDA, Norb N8KJT, BOBBIE (SWL), Rick K8SCI, Paul WB8CYI,
Fred N8AHS, (Tom WD8EFF and Heidi WD8EFK via SKYPE)

Minutes for Nov 2018 and Jan 2019 approved

No business from committees

No New Business

Old Business: Norb N8KJT Motioned to accept WD8EFK Heidi as Secretary, 2nd by Rick K8SCI. A vote was taken; Motion carried.

Fred WB8UDA Motion to accept KD8NGC Mary, as a trustee until 2021, 2nd by Tom WD8EFF. Vote taken, Motion carried.

Norb N8KJT Motioned to adjourn the February 2019 Trustee meeting, 2nd by Mary KD8NGC. Vote taken and Motion was carried.

Meeting adjourned at 19:20.

- - - - - - - -

North Coast Amateur Radio Club
General Membership Meeting called to order at 19:20 by President Fred Heyse N8AHS

Rick K8SCI Motioned to adjourn the General membership meeting, 2nd by Mary KD8NGC. Vote taken, Motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 19:21.

Minutes supplied by Heidi Thomas WD8EFK and was assisted by Fred N8AHS.

NCARC MARCH 2019 Minutes

March 7, 2019 NCARC Trustees Meeting:

Open: 6:34 P.M.

Present: Dan-KB8A, Rick-K8SCI, Joe-N8QXC, Mary-KD8NGC, Fred-WB8UDA, Norb-N8KJT,
Bobbie-SWL, Mary Lou-K8MLS, Paul-WB8CYI, Tom-WD8EFF (via Skype), Heidi-WD8EFK
(via Skype) and Fred-N8AHS.
Total Number present: 12 (10 at the Strongsville Library and 2 via Skype).

Presentation Report Read Aloud: Tom-K8DMM with assistance from Joe N8QXC gave an Amateur
Radio introductory presentation to one of the Strongsville Cub Scout packs at an elementary school in
Strongsville on January 17th 2019 which in turn was well received by the Scouts and their leader(s)
who were present there. Tom sent a report to Fred-N8AHS which in turn was read aloud by Fred to all
present at the March '19 NCARC Trustees Meeting. Thank you Tom and Joe for your work!

Treasurer's Report: Dan-KB8A reports that there is sufficient money in the bank and that the bills are paid.

Approval Of The February 2019 NCARC Minutes As Published: Motion to accept: Rick-K8SCI. Second: Mary-KD8NGC. Motion passed by voice vote of those present.

Awards, Field Day, Sunshine, Membership, Newsletter, Program & Education:
Nothing to report for March 2019.

Technical: Fred-N8AHS to contact Clark-N8PZD regarding the N8NC 443.15 MHz repeater.

Old Business: New Net Control operators and a new Amateur Radio Newsline volunteer need
to be recruited. Dan-KB8A, who currently transmits the Newsline, will be retiring at
the end of 2019 and plans to travel and therefore often will not be available on
Sunday evenings.

New Business & Fundraising: Nothing to report for March 2019.

Motion To Adjourn: Motion: Mary-KD8NGC. Second: Rick-K8SCI. Motion passed.

Close: 6:49 P.M.

March 7, 2019 NCARC Membership Meeting:

Open: 7:01 P.M.

Present: Same as those present during the March 2019 NCARC Trustees Meeting.

Motion To Adjourn: Motion: Rick-K8SCI. Second: Mary-KD8NGC. Motion passed.

Close: 7:02 P.M.

The above listed March 2019 NCARC meeting minutes are respectfully submitted by Fred-N8AHS and I welcome any questions, comments and/or suggestions for improvement to the information that I am listing in this format. Thank you everyone, for your work for the club and for your work for those we serve through Amateur Radio.
Best 73s,
Fred N8AHS.

April 4, '19 NCARC Trustees Meeting:
Open: 6:39 P.M.
Present: N8QXC-Joe, KD8NGC-Mary, N8KJT-Norb, SWL-Bobbie, K8MLS-Mary Lou, WB8UDA-Fred, K8SCI-Rick, KB8A-Dan, K8DMM-Tom, WB8CYI-Paul, WD8EFF-Tom (via Skype), WD8EFK-Heidi (also via Skype) and N8AHS-Fred.
Total No. In Attendance: 13 (11 in person and 2 via Skype).
Treasurer's Report: KB8A-Dan reported bills are paid and there is money in the Bank.
Field Day: Per K8DMM-Tom: Small amplifier boards are available for a cost of $3 to $6. These are to have box wiring, N8QXC-Joe and WB8UDA-Fred are willing to help with the assembly at Tom's residence in Hinckley. Motion made by K8DMM-Tom (I think) for up to $100 to be taken from the NCARC treasury for this project. Motion seconded by K8SCI-Rick and discussion followed. Motion passed by voice vote of the NCARC trustees present. Thanks to Tom and all others for their work.
Approval Of March 2019 NCARC Minutes: Motion made by KD8NGC-Mary. Second: N8QXC-Joe. Motion passed by voice vote of the NCARC trustees present.
Two Meter Net: Still at 8 P.M. Sunday evenings on the N8NC 145.29 MHz repeater. Still need at least two more Net Control operators and at least one more ham to transmit the Amateur Radio Newsline. Program: Per K8DMM-Tom: The Parma Radio Club will have a public demonstration of Amateur Radio at the Stearns Homestead on Ridge Road in Parma on Saturday 4/13/19 from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. More information can be found at and Tom also reports that the Scouts are booked through May '19 and asks if other time slots might be available for them. Finally, Tom plans to give a spectrum analyzer presentation at either the 5/2 or the 6/6 NCARC Meeting.
Technical: The N8NC callsign still needs to be programmed into the 224.76 MHz repeater. The 443.15 repeater's callsign has been reprogrammed but the repeater itself is badly in need of repair. K8DMM-Tom is to contact N8PZD-Clark. N8KJT-Norb will help with the equipment retrieval.
Sunshine, Membership, Newsletter, Awards, Education, Old Business, New Business & Fundraising: Nothing to report for the April 2019 NCARC Trustees Meeting.
Motion To Adjourn: Made by K8SCI-Rick. Second: N8KJT-Norb. Motion passed by voice vote of all NCARC members present.
Close: 7:19 P.M.

April 4, 2019 NCARC Membership Meeting
Open: 7:19 P.M.
(All categories remained the same since the start of the April 2019 NCARC Trustees Meeting.)
Motion To Adjourn: Made by WB8UDA-Fred. Second: K8SCI-Rick. Motion passed by voice vote of all NCARC members present.
Close: 7:20 P.M.

May 2, 2019 NCARC Membership Meeting
Open: 7:05 P.M.
Present: N8QXC-Joe, KD8NGC-Mary, K8MLS-Mary Lou, WB8CYI-Paul, WB8UDA-Fred, K8SCI-Rick, KB8A-Dan, K8DMM-Tom, N8PZD-Clark, N8XOR-Jim, WD8EFF-Tom (via Skype) and WD8EFK-Heidi (via Skype) and N8AHS-Fred.
Total No. In Attendance: 13 (11 members and 2 guests; if I am tabulating correctly-Fred)
Treasurer's Report: KB8A-Dan reported that the bills are paid and there is money in the Bank.
Field Day: It was decided to hold the planning for the NCARC 2019 Field Day at the June 2019 NCARC Trustees Meeting rather than hold a separate Field Day planning meeting at the Strongsville Library.
Sunshine: N8KJT-Norb is hospitalized with a heart condition. We all wish him the best recovery possible.
Membership: Nothing to report for the May 2019 NCARC meeting(s).
Education: N8AUC-Eric is holding General License Class upgrade classes for interested unlicensed people and current Novice and Technician Class licensees Monday evenings at the American Red Cross at 2929 West River Road in Elyria from 7 to 9 P.M. until the end of June '19.
Technical: K8DMM-Tom has the 220 MHz, the 440 MHz and the System Fusion repeaters in his possession.
Old Business: Earth Day '19 follow-up: K8DMM-Tom reports finding Scouts interested in learning more about Amateur Radio. Tom has also built a Code Practice Station and he also remains willing to talk with youth organizations about Amateur Radio.
Awards, Newsletter, Approval Of Minutes, 2 Meter Net, Program, New Business and Fundraising: Nothing to report for the May 2019 NCARC Meeting.
Motion To Adjourn: KD8NGC-Mary. Second: K8SCI-Rick. Motion passed by voice vote of the NCARC Members present.
Close: 7:24 P.M.

June 6, 2019 NCARC Trustees Meeting
Open: 6:37 P.M.
Present: KC8CB-Jim, K8MLS-Mary Lou, K8DMM-Tom, KB8A-Dan, K8SCI-Rick, WB8UDA-Fred, WB8CYI-Paul, N8KJT-Norb, N8QXC-Joe and N8AHS-Fred.
Total No. In Attendance: 10
Treasurer's Report: Dan KB8A reports that the bills are paid and there is money in the Bank.
Field Day: Food is to be purchased and brought by N8KJT-Norb. Motion to have the club allocate $300 for food was made by N8QXC-Joe and seconded by K8SCI-Rick. Motion passed by voice vote of the NCARC members present. N8QXC-Joe has three batteries. KB8A-Dan suggested Costco for the replacement of two batteries owned by WB8RNI-Hank(SK). Motion for $250 for two new batteries was made by N8QXC-Joe and seconded by WB8UDA-Fred. Motion passed by voice vote of the NCARC members present.
Sunshine: KD8NGC-Mary sends her greetings per N8AHS-Fred. SWL-Bobbie sends her greetings per N8KJT-Norb.
Membership: KN4AW-Frank (Advanced Class) has applied for NCARC membership and has been accepted by voice vote of the NCARC members presented. Also, renewal dues are due as of July 1, 2019.
New Business: The NCARC Picnic Meetings for 2019 are to be held at Bonnie Park in Strongsville on Thursday 7/11 and Thursday 8/8/19; the second Thursday of each month respectively. The 2019 NCARC Christmas Meeting will be held on Thursday 12/19/19 at Santos Restaurant on Pearl Rd. near Fowles Rd. in Middleburg Heights per K8CSI-Rick.
Awards, Approval of Minutes, Newsletter, 2 Meter Net, Program, Education, Old Business and Fundraising: Nothing to report for the June 6, 2019 NCARC Meeting.
Motion To Adjourn: Made by K8SCI-Rick. Second: N8KJT-Norb. Motion passed by voice vote of the NCARC members present.
Close: 7:15 P.M.

June 6, 2019 NCARC Membership Meeting
Open: 7:16 P.M.
(No additional attendees arrived during or after the start of the trustees meeting and there were also no changes from the June 6, 2019 NCARC Trustees Meeting.)
Motion To Adjourn: K8DMM-Tom. Second: N8QXC-Joe. Motion passed by voice vote of the NCARC members present.
Close: 7:17 P.M.

July 11, 2019 NCARC Trustees And Membership Meetings
No formal meeting was held for either the NCARC Trustees or Membership. Those present for the July 11, 2019 picnic were N8QXC-Joe, K8DMM-Tom, K8SCI-Rick, WB8CYI-Paul, K8VMC-Bill and N8AHS-Fred.

August 8, 2019 NCARC Trustees Meeting
Open: 6:37 P.M.
Present: WB8CYI-Paul, N8QXC-Joe, WB8UDA-Fred, K8MLS-Mary Lou, K8SCI-Rick, KB8A-Dan, N8KJT-Norb and N8AHS-Fred.
Total No. In Attendance: 8
Treasurer's Report: No report was given by KB8A-Dan.
Field Day: Per K8SCI-Rick: For Field Day 2019 we had 278 Single Side Band Contacts. Plus 550 bonus points and 50 points for internet filing. 1,940 points total for our 5A Battery filing, again per K8SCI-Rick. QSL cards were received. Balance of our expenses for 2019 was reported to be $160. Thanks most kindly to Rick and to all who put together and participated in our 2019 N8NC Field Day work. Winter Field Day 2020 information can be found at (for those interested). Winter Field Day '20 will be held on Saturday January 25 and Sunday January 26, 2020 per information found on that website. The next regular summer Field Day will be held Saturday June 27 and Sunday June 28, 2020.
Sunshine: WB8ZZG-Gary has become a Silent Key. Card to be sent out by the NCARC Sunshine Committee.
Membership: NCARC Renewal Dues are due for all NCARC members who have not yet paid or who are exempted (these being those NCARC members holding honorary or complimentary memberships). No new membership applications were received by the Thursday 8/8/19 NCARC meeting.
Education: N8AUC-Eric will be starting a new Technician Class series soon. Classes are to be held Mondays at the American Red Cross located at 2929 West River Rd. in Elyria Monday evenings from 7 to 9 P.M. Eric can be reached by e-mail at for all those interested or who know someone who may be interested. As with the General Class series recently completed Eric plans to use the ARRL's licensing materials. Personally I strongly recommend the Gordon West series for training purposes.
Technical: N8KJT-Norb needs to put together a group to remove the 220 and 440 MHz repeater rack out of the apartment building in North Royalton.
Old Business: K8SCI-Rick has confirmed with Santos Italian Restraurant that we have reserved the Florence Room in Middleburg Heights on the east side of Pearl Rd. near Fowles Rd. for the 2019 NCARC Christmas Dinner on Thursday December 19, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. Please contact Rick to make reservations at 330-225-7373 or via e-mail to
New Business; N8QXC-Joe is still giving out NCARC Business cards. Any NCARC member is welcome to have NCARC business cards.
Fundraising: The Cleveland Hamfest is coming up on Sunday September 22, 2019. We still have quite a bit of equipment from Silent Key hams that needs to be sold.
Awards, Newsletter, Approval Of Minutes, Program and 2 Meter Net: Nothing to report for the August 8, 2019 NCARC meeting.
Motion To Adjourn: N8QXC-Joe. Second: N8KJT-Norb.
Close: 7:03 P.M.

August 8, 2019 NCARC Membership Meeting
Open: 7:04 P.M.
(No changes or additional attendees arriving since the start of the August 8, '19 NCARC Trustees Meeting.)
Motion To Adjourn: KB8A-Dan. Second: K8SCI-Rick. Motion passed by voice vote of the NCARC members present.
Close: 7:05 P.M.

The above-minutes from April through August 2019 are respectfully submitted by N8AHS-Fred Heyse. I welcome any questions, comments, fills seen as being needed or suggestions for improvement.
Best 73s to all NCARC members
440-234-0914 (home)
440-532-9904 (cell)

NCARC SNeptember 5th 2019 Trustees Meeting

Open: 6:43 P.M.

Present:  K8DMM-Tom, KB8A-Dan, K8SCI-Rick, WB8CYI-Paul, WB8UDA-Fred, N8KJT-Norb, N8QXC-Joe, K8CNN-Tom, WD8EFF-Tom (via Skype), WD8EFK-Heidi (via Skype) and N8AHS-Fred. Total No. Present: 11

Treasurer's Report:  Treasurer KB8A-Dan reports that all the bills are paid and there is money in the bank.

Field Day:  Per K8SCI-Rick: Field Day 2019 results should be posted in the December 2019 edition of QST.

Awards, Sunshine, Membership, Program and Old Business:  Nothing new to report for the NCARC Trustees Meeting Minutes.

Newsletter:  Proposal made by K8DMM-Tom for the minutes of future NCARC meetings to be sent to K8SCI-Rick in either PDF or Microsoft Word format in order to more easily facilitate Rick's work of transferring the minutes from e-mail form to the NCARC website.

Approval of Minutes:  With special thanks to K8SCI-Rick for getting them onto the NCARC website the motion to accept the March through August 2019 NCARC meeting minutes was made by WD8EFF-Tom.   Second: N8QXC-Joe. Motion passed by voice vote of those present.

Education:  Please see the ARRL Ohio Section Newsletter found at and click on "Section Information" on the home for links found under the further topic of "learning" in order to see information on license upgrading and other education related topics.

Technical:  Technical team of K8DMM-Tom, K8SCI-Rick, KB8A-Dan and N8KJT-Norb.  K8DMM-Tom needs a rack for the N8NC 220 & 440 MHz repeaters. Upon completion of repairs to both repeaters they are to be placed back on the air and then the Echolink issue is to be resolved.  K8DMM-Tom says that N8PZD-Clark has been contacted and Tom is also looking into microwave linking the 224.76 & 443.15 MHz repeater site in North Royalton with the 145.29 MHz repeater site in Brunswick.  K8CNN-Tom has graciously volunteered to assist our efforts and his offer to help has been gladly accepted by the trustees present at the NCARC September 2019 meeting.

New Business:  Donut Duty: the donuts for the Thursday October 3, 2019 NCARC meeting will be purchased by N8AHS-Fred and the volunteers for Donut Duty for the Thursday November 7, 2019 NCARC are KB8A-Dan and K8MLS-Mary Lou. For the longer term Donut Duty volunteers for the January through June 2020 NCARC meetings to be held at the Strongsville Library will be requested preferably at the October meeting or at the latest the November NCARC meeting.

Fundraising:  WB8UDA-Fred turned over fundraising funds to NCARC Treasurer KB8A-Dan at the September '19 NCARC meeting.  Otherwise, the Cleveland Hamfest is coming up on Sunday September 22, '19 from 8 A.M. until noon at the Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds in Berea and the NCARC still has items from Silent Key hams to be sold.

Motion to Adjourn: Made by KB8A-Dan. Second: Made by N8KJT-Norb.  Motion passed by voice vote of all those present.

Close: 7:12 P.M.

NCARC September 2019 Membership Meeting

Open: 7:12 P.M.

Present, Treasurer's Report, Awards, Field Day, Sunshine, Membership, Newsletter, Approval of Minutes, Program, Education, Old Business, and Fundraising:  All of these categories were unchanged from the NCARC September 2019 Trustees Meeting.

Technical:  Programming: IT-type person needed, as noted by K8DMM-Tom. Tom has no problem with microwaving.  K8CNN-Tom is willing to help, as noted in the NCARC September 2019 Trustees Meeting Minutes. N8KJT-Norb has a 2.4 GHz rotatable dish at the North Royalton repeater site.

New Business:  The next NCARC Meeting will take place beginning at 6:30 P.M. on Thursday October 3, 2019 at the Strongsville Library.

Motion To Adjourn: Made by K8SCI-Rick. Second:  K8DMM-Tom.  Motion passed by voice vote of all those present.

Close: 7:30 P.M.

     The above-listed NCARC September 2019 Meeting Minutes are respectfully submitted by N8AHS-Fred and I heartily welcome any questions, comments, suggestions for changes or improvements to them.

     Best 73s,

North Coast Amateur Radio Club  

Trustee Membership Minutes for September 14, 2017 Meeting.

The Trustee Meeting being held at the Strongsville Public Library was called to order at

18:49 PM by Dan KB8A 
Member Roll Call was taken.  Four Officers and Six Trustees’ were in attendance.                
Minutes were not published cannot be approved. 
Treasurer Mary Lou reports that The bills are paid and there is money in the bank.


2 meter net:  Mary Lou, Fred, Mary and are the net control coordinators. 

Sunshine:  No issues to report.  

Membership:  No new members

Newsletter:  Please note that the newsletters are posted on the NCARC website.    .   


Field Day:   June 23,24 2018 weekend.

Program:  None

Awards:  No

Donut duty

Fund Raising: 

Technical Committee

Unfinished Business: 

New Business: Mary KD8NGC Motion to allocate $200.00 for Field Day expenses accrued,
2nd by WD8EFF, vote taken, motion carried

Joe N8QXC Motion to donate $100..00 in support of Newsline.  2nd by K8DMM,  vote taken, Motion carried. 

19:01 Motion to adjourn Trustee  Meeting by Mary KD8NGC Second Tom WD8EFF Vote taken, Motion approved. 


Membership Minutes for September 14, 2017 Meeting



North Coast Amateur Radio Club –

***ATTENDANCE at the September 14, 2017 meeting***   




North Coast Amateur Radio Club

 Trustee Meeting Minutes for May 10, 2018 Meeting.

18:50 PM by Fred N8AHS  -- Member Roll Call was taken. N8AHS, K8DMM, KB8A, K8SCI, K8VMC,

 Minutes for April 2018 were published,  Tom WD8EFF motioned to approve the minutes, it was seconded by Rick K8SCI, 
a vote was taken and the motion was approved.  

2 meter net:  up and running  
Sunshine:  Nothing to report 
Membership:  Bobbie Friedrich requested membership, 
motion to approve her membership by Rick K8SCI, 2nd by Joe N8QXC, 
vote taken, motion was approved 
Newsletter:  Nothing to report 
Education:  Nothing to report 
Program: "Homebrew Night part 2" Many members brought in items to share.
Field Day:   Planning Committee scheduled for June 2, 2018  Field Day is June 23 and June 24,  
at Fred's Tree Farm.  If you plan on camping , you can arrive on Friday evening June 22.  
Awards:  Nothing to report 
Fund Raising:  Nothing to report 
Technical Committee: Motion to form a Volunteer General Technical committee by Tom K8DMM,
2nd by Rick K8SCI, discussion vote taken motion apprioved  (Volunteers are N8KJT, K8DMM, K8SCI, and KB8A)
Donut Duty volunteers: June Marylou. 
Unfinished Business:  Did everyone who wanted Business cards for the club receive them?   
New Business:  If you have any Ideas or suggestions on programs please contact a committee member.  

19:23 Motion to adjourn Trustee's  Meeting by K8SCI   Second WD8EFF Vote taken, Motion approved. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

North Coast Amateur Radio Club
Membership Meeting Minutes for May 10, 2018 Meeting.

19:38 PM by Fred N8AHS  -- Member Roll Call was taken. N8AHS, K8DMM, KB8A, K8SCI, K8VMC,
N8QXC, WB8CYI, N8KJT and (Bobbie), WB8UDA, KC8CB, (via skype WD8EFF, WD8EFK)

 Minutes for April 2018 were published,  Tom WD8EFF motioned to approve the minutes, it was seconded by Rick K8SCI, 
a vote was taken and the motion was approved.  

2 meter net:  up and running 
Sunshine:  Nothing to report 
Membership:  Bobbie Friedrich has been voted in as a new member
Newsletter:  Nothing to report 
Education:  Nothing to report 
Program: "Homebrew Night part 2" Many members brought in items to share.
Field Day:   Planning Committee scheduled for June 2, 2018  Field Day is June 23 and June 24, 
at Fred's Tree Farm.  If you plan on camping , you can arrive on Friday evening June 22.  
Awards:  Nothing to report  Fund Raising:  Nothing to report 
Technical Committee: Motion to form a Volunteer General Technical committee by Tom K8DMM,
2nd by Rick K8SCI, discussion vote taken motion apprioved  (Volunteers are N8KJT, K8DMM, K8SCI, and KB8A)
Donut Duty volunteers: June Marylou. 
Unfinished Business:  Did everyone who wanted Business cards for the club receive them?   
New Business:  If you have any Ideas or suggestions on programs please contact a committee member.  

19:41 Motion to adjourn Membership  Meeting by K8SCI   Second WD8EFF Vote taken, Motion approved.  

The above minutes are respectfully submitted by Heidi - WD8EFK, and I welcome
any comments and suggestions for correction and improvement.
73, de Heidi - WD8EFK

August 2018 NCARC Trustees Meeting  -  Open: 6:32 P.M. On Thursday August 9, '18.

Present: WB8CYI-Paul, K8SCI-Rick, K8MLS-Mary Lou, KB8A-Dan, WB8UDA-Fred, N8QXC-Joe and
                  N8AHS-Fred.    (Total No. in attendance was 7).

Approval of the July 2018 NCARC Meeting Minutes As Published On The Website:
Motion made by Mary Lou. Seconded by Rick. Motion passed.

Treasurer's Report: Dan reported that the Bills are Paid, and there is Money in the Bank.

Field Day:  We had 296 Single Side Band contacts per tallies done by K8VMC-Bill. 
                      Thanks once again to one and to all who worked and participated in the NCARC 2018 Field Day to
                      make our efforts a success.

Sunshine:  Bobbie Friedrich was sent a get well card by KD8NGC-Mary for recent dental surgery.
remains in the Northwestern nursing home on North Rocky River Drive in Berea, next to
                     VFW Post 6676 (in Room 117) and would appreciate any visitors.  No restrictions on visitation
                     hours, but visitors must be buzzed into the Northwestern nursing home building by a staff member
                    after they press a doorbell button in the outer lobby.

Membership:  WB8UDA-Fred made a suggestion that KB8SPR-Alberta retain her gratis membership in NCARC. 
                           Dan KB8A made a motion to accept Fred's suggestion,  Rick 2nd the motion.  The Motion passed.

Two Meter Net:  Now held at 8 P.M on Sunday evenings.  Still looking for more volunteer operators to either
                                transmit the Newsline Report, or be a Net Control Operator.

Technical:  Everything is status quo with the NCARC 145.29, 224,76 and 443.15 repeaters, per Rick. 

New Business:  NCARC Christmas 2018 dinner meeting will take place at 6:30pm on Thursday December 20, '18
                              (the third Thursday in December) at Santo's Italian Restaurant at 7565 Pearl Rd. in Middleburg
                             Heights, Ohio.

Old Business:  None mentioned at the August '18 NCARC Trustees Meeting.

Fundraising:   Cleveland Hamfest will be held on Sunday September 23, '18.  More estate sale items will be
                           brought to the
 Hamfest to raise money for NCARC.   Should any NCARC member wish to place any other
                                    ham radio related
 item up for sale at the Hamfest please let us know in advance and we'll try to accommodate

Motion To Adjourn:  Made by N8QXC-Joe. 2nd by K8MLS Mary Lou. Motion Passed.   Closed at 6:46 P.M.

August 2018 NCARC Membership Meeting  -  Opened at 7:01 P.M.
Present:  Same as those present at the August '18 Trustees Meeting above.

Field Day, Membership, Program, Education, Awards, Sunshine, Technical, and Old Business: Same as that listed
for the August 2018 NCARC Trustees Meeting above.

Two Meter Net: Now at 8 P.M. as of Sunday 8/5/18.  Still looking for a new Newsline person and more Net Control

New Business:  Per Rick - K8SCI, an invitation is to be issued formally to a group wanting to use the 145.29
                              repeater for CODE PRACTICE.  More details maybe availabe at the Thursday September 6, '18
                              NCARC Membership Meeting to be held at the Strongsville Library.

Important Notes:  The October '18 and November '18 NCARC meetings will also be held at the Strongsville
                                    Library on the first Thursday of each month respectively; please visit for
                                    more information about the meeting dates and other NCARC information.

Fund Raising:  Cleveland Hamfest to be held at the Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds in Berea to be held on
                            Sunday September 23, '18. More information is available at the Cleveland Hamfest's website and
                            is also available by calling 1-800-CLE-FEST.

Next NCARC meetings will be held on Thursday September 6, '18 starting at 6:30 P.M. at the Strongsville Library.

Motion To Adjourn:  Made by Rick - K8SCI, 2nd by Fred - WB8UDA.  Motion Passed.  Closed at 7:08pm.

The above August 2018 NCARC Meeting Minutes are respectfully submitted by N8AHS-Fred and I invite any comment or corrections seen as being needed. Please send a carbon copy of your e-mail to Rick as well so that the NCARC August '18 Meeting Minutes can be correctly posted by him on the club's website.

Best 73s and Happy Labor Day,
Fred  -

NCARC 10 December 2020

Membership Meeting Minutes:


Due to the Corona virus outbreak (COVID-19) a ZOOM Video Communications, Inc. platform was used for a video meeting over the internet. It was also possible to join the meeting by telephone.

 The NCARC Christmas dinner was cancelled due to COVID-19.

Meeting opened by NCARC President Fred N8AHS at 1900 hours.

The following members joined the video meeting: Fred N8AHS, Steve W8IZ, Tom K8DMM, Rick K8SCI, Dan KB8A, Mary Lou K8MLS, Paul WB8CYI. By telephone: Joe N8QXC. Guest on video: Bill K8VMC.

There were 7 (seven) members that joined the meeting by video: One (1) member by telephone. One (1) guest joined by video.

Treasures report: Treasurer Dan KB8A stated that the club has money in the bank and the bills are paid.

Awards: None

Field Day: Tom K8DMM stated that the club had three (3) operators with a total of 444 points. There were over 19 thousand participants for Field Day.

Sunshine: Tom WD8EFF’s sister passed and a card was sent out.

Membership: No new members.

Newsletter: None

Approval of Minutes: Fred N8AHS called for a motion to approve the November 2020 meeting minutes. Tom K8DMM made a motion to accept the minutes for the November 2020 meeting. Steve W8IZ seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Program: None

Two meter net: More people are needed to be net control and also help is needed to broadcast the News Line report. Any volunteers should contact Mary Lou K8MLS.

Education: None

Technical: Tom K8DMM said that Norb N8KJT told him that work on the building that will house the new repeaters is still ongoing. Tom also said that there is no hurry cause of COVID. Fred N8AHS said that he could hit both repeaters from his QTH. Rick K8SCI said that he got the renewal forms from the Ohio Repeater Council for the repeaters. Rick K8SCI said he will fill out the forms even though the 220 and 440 repeaters haven’t been moved yet. Rick K8SCI donates the money to pay the fees for the repeaters.

Old Business: Tom was wondering about the ARRL liability insurance? Dan KB8A said he would look into it. Dan KB8A also said that he had to cancel the liability insurance because the insurance company would not let the policy be suspended. The club does not have liability insurance at this time. The club is not having any gatherings so the liability insurance is not needed.

New Business: Steve W8IZ said that the club should give free memberships to the club to new hams to increase members. A discussion followed. Then Steve W8IZ made a motion to give a free one year membership to any new hams, hams moving into the area, or hams that were inactive coming back to ham radio. Rick K8SCI will look into changing the membership application on the web site and send copies to the club officers.

 January meeting is booked on ZOOM.

Fundraising: None

After agenda: Because most ham fests have been cancelled Tom K8DMM mentioned that the ARRL Ohio Section has a web site to sell any equipment that the club or anyone has.  

Fred N8AHS called for adjournment. Rick K8SCI made a motion. Steve W8IZ seconded. The motion passed.  

The meeting closed at 1927 hours.

Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI.

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NCARC 9 April 2020
Trustees Meeting Minutes:

Due to the Corona virus outbreak (COVID-19) an abbreviated meeting was held over the 145.29MHz repeater in a net format.

Meeting opened by NCARC President Fred N8AHS at 1830 hours.

The following people checked into the net: Fred N8AHS, Rick K8SCI, Mary Lou K8MLS, Tom KD8EFF,
Heidi KD8EFK, Tom K8DMM,  Joe N8QXC, Paul WB8CYI, Steve W8IZ.

There were 9(nine) members that checked in.                                                                                     

Treasurer's Report: None

Awards: None

Field Day: Fred N8AHS said that Field Day is the fourth weekend in June. Fred N8AHS also said that the ARRL suggests that Hams operate from home but the situation might change because Field Day is still a long way off.   

Sunshine: None

Membership: No new members.

Newsletter: The club still has no Newsletter.

Approval of Minutes: Tom K8DMM made a motion. Rick K8SCI seconded. No objections were heard.

Program: None

Two Meter Net: More people are needed to be net control operators because the club only has two. Help is also needed to broadcast the News Line report.  Any volunteers should contact Mary Lou K8MLS.

Education: Fred N8AHS stated that the Elyria Red Cross center is closed so no VE tests or classes.

Technical: Tom K8DMM said that maintenance and improvements continue. If there are any questions contact Tom K8DMM by phone or email.

Old Business: None

New Business: None

Fund Raising: None

Fred N8AHS called for adjournment. Rick K8SCI made a motion. Joe N8QXC seconded. No Objections heard.

Meeting and net closed at 1847 hours.

Please note that things are changing day by day because of the virus outbreak.

Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI. 

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NCARC 11 June 2020

Membership Meeting Minutes:

Due to the Corona virus outbreak (COVID-19) a ZOOM Video Communications, Inc. platform was used for a video meeting over the internet. It was also possible to join the meeting by telephone.
No Trustees meeting was held for the month of June.

Meeting opened by NCARC Vice President Tom K8DMM at 1910 hours.

The following members joined the video meeting: Tom K8DMM, Norb N8KJT, Bobbie YL, Dan KB8A, Mary Lou K8MLS, Rick K8SCI, Tom WD8EFF, Heidi WD8EFK, Paul WB8CYI, and Joe N8QXC by telephone. At about 1937 hours Fred N8AHS joined the video.

There were 10 (ten) members that joined the meeting by video and 1 (one) member by telephone.

Treasurer's report: Treasurer Dan KB8A reported that the bills were paid and the club has money in the bank.

Field Day: June 27 and 28. It was mentioned that there are some new rules from the ARRL about using club call signs because of the pandemic. There was discussion about cleaning equipment after each operators use. Norb N8KJT said he would bring some alcohol to clean the equipment. Joe N8QXC mentioned that alcohol might damage the equipment. There was more discussion about the problems of social distancing and other problems with the virus protocols. Rick K8SCI made a motion to forgo this year’s Field Day gathering. Norb N8KJT seconds the motion. More discussion followed. Tom K8DMM called for a vote on the motion. No objections were heard. The motion passed.

[The club will NOT have a Field Day gathering this year.]       

Sunshine: Joe N8QXC mentioned that Steve W8IZ has the virus. Mary Lou K8MLS said she would send a card to Steve W8IZ.

Membership: No new members. Dan KB8A reminds everyone that club dues are due soon, before the first of July.

Approval of Minutes: Tom WD8EFF made a motion to accept the minutes of the May 2020 membership meeting. Norb N8KJT seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Two meter net: Mary Lou K8MLS mentioned that there have been more check-ins on the net since the stay at home orders. More people are needed to be net control and also help is needed to broadcast the News Line report. Any volunteers should contact Mary Lou K8MLS.

Education: None

Technical: Tom K8DMM said that the new stack for the 440 repeater was put together. Then Tom K8DMM showed pictures of the 440 repeater stack and then showed pictures of the completed 220 repeater stack which included modifications to the front panel of the 220 repeater. Both repeaters are working and waiting for antennas. Tom K8DMM also said that the microphone jack on the front of the Fusion repeater will only work when the repeater is in a dedicated mode in either digital or analog. The manual does not mention this fact.

Old Business: None

New Business: Fred N8AHS is unsure if the July meeting will take place at Bonnie Park because the park may be closed due to the virus. Tom K8DMM noticed that there is work going on at the park. Joe N8QXC added that he saw that work is being done on the dam and there is yellow tape around the pavilion meaning that the pavilion is closed.

Fundraising: None   

Tom K8DMM called for adjournment. Rick K8SCI made a motion. Tom WD8EFF seconded. The motion passed.  

The meeting closed at 1943 hours.

Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI.

NCARC 9 July 2020
Membership Meeting Minutes:
Due to the Corona virus outbreak (COVID-19) a ZOOM Video Communications, Inc. platform was used for a video meeting over the internet. It was also possible to join the meeting by telephone.
No Trustees meeting was held for the month of July.
Meeting opened by NCARC President Fred N8AHS at 1925 hours.
[There was a short delay opening the meeting due to some issues with Zoom]
The following members joined the video meeting: Fred N8AHS, Dan KB8A, Mary Lou K8MLS, Tom K8DMM, Rick K8SCI, Tom WD8EFF, Heidi WD8EFK, Fred WB8UDA Paul WB8CYI: Guests, Brian KE8OPX and Thomas KC8KQX: By telephone, Joe N8QXC.
There were 9 (nine) members that joined the meeting by video and 2(two) guests by video: 1 (one) member by telephone. Thomas KC8KQX left the meeting early maybe due to technical difficulties.
Treasurer's report: Treasurer Dan KB8A reported that the bills were paid and the club has money in the bank.
Field Day: June 27 and 28. Tom K8DMM, Joe N8QXC and Don KD8JQ participated in Field Day in the club’s name in different locations. About 45 plus contacts were made and the logs were sent to the ARRL.
[The club did NOT have a Field Day gathering this year.]
Sunshine: Steve W8IZ was reportedly doing OK. Mary Lou K8MLS said she sent him a card.
Membership: No new members. Club dues were due the first of July.
Approval of Minutes: Motion was made to accept the minutes of the June 2020 meeting by Tom K8DMM. Tom WD8EFF seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Two meter net: More people are needed to be net control and also help is needed to broadcast the News Line report. Any volunteers should contact Mary Lou K8MLS.
Education: Tom K8DMM is working on a presentation for the fall.
Technical: Tom K8DMM said that the 220 and 440 repeaters should be ready to test on the air from his location within two weeks. Norb N8KJT has to be contacted to find out if the repeaters can be moved to the North Royalton location to make sure that the antennas are ready and the repeater room is ready to receive the new racks.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Fundraising: Fred WB8UDA is working on new donations. Fred WB8UDA and Dennis W8DFK made donations at the beginning of the month. The club and its members thank Fred WB8UDA and Dennis W8DFK for their donations.
Fred N8AHS called for adjournment. Rick K8SCI made a motion. Tom K8DMM seconded. The motion passed.
The meeting closed at 1951 hours.
Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI.

NCARC 10 September 2020

Membership Meeting Minutes:

Due to the Corona virus outbreak (COVID-19) a ZOOM Video Communications, Inc. platform was used for a video meeting over the internet. It was also possible to join the meeting by telephone.

No Trustees meeting was held for the month of September.N

Meeting opened by NCARC Vice President Tom K8DMM at 1905 hours.

The following members joined the video meeting: Dan KB8A, Mary Lou K8MLS, Tom K8DMM, Rick K8SCI, Tom WD8EFF, Heidi WD8EFK, Steve W8IZ, Paul WB8CYI: By telephone, Joe N8QXC.

There were 8(eight) members that joined the meeting by video: 1 (one) member by telephone.

Treasurer's report: Treasurer Dan KB8A stated that the club has money in the bank and the equipment insurance premium was paid.

Awards: None

Field Day: Tom K8DMM suggests that the club think about ways to add points to the club’s score quickly.   

Sunshine: None

Membership: No new members.

Newsletter: None

Approval of Minutes: Motion was made to accept the minutes of the August 2020 meeting by Tom WD8EFF. Joe N8QXC seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Program: None

Two meter net: More people are needed to be net control and also help is needed to broadcast the News Line report. Any volunteers should contact Mary Lou K8MLS.

Education: None

Technical: Tom K8DMM said both the 220MHz. and 440MHz. are on the air at his location.     

Old Business: None

New Business: None

Fundraising: None

Discussion after the agenda: Tom K8DMM mentioned that he may be going on some trips and set up a remote way to control the 220 and 440 repeaters.

Dan KB8A mentioned that a few members dropped out of the club and he is sending out an updated club roster by email.

 Dan KB8A and Rick K8SCI said the library is not available for the October meeting. Tom K8DMM responded that he will book Zoom meetings into January 2021.

Joe N8QXC asked about the club elections and what the bylaws say about this no personal meetings situation. Dan KB8A said that the club nominations will take place at the November meeting as usual.

Rick K8SCI mentioned that the restaurant Santos is open and that he will look into having the Christmas dinner there on 10 December 2020 at 6pm if possible.

Tom K8DMM called for adjournment. Rick K8SCI made a motion. Tom WD8EFF seconded. The motion passed.  

The meeting closed at 1924 hours.

Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI.

NCARC 8 October 2020

Membership Meeting Minutes:

Due to the Corona virus outbreak (COVID-19) a ZOOM Video Communications, Inc. platform was used for a video meeting over the internet. It was also possible to join the meeting by telephone.

*REMINDER*: The November 2020 meeting is nominations for officers and some trustees for 2021.

Meeting opened by NCARC President Fred N8AHS at 1902 hours.

The following members joined the video meeting: Fred N8AHS, Tom K8DMM, Dan KB8A, Mary Lou K8MLS, Steve W8IZ, Fred WB8UDA, Norb N8KJT, Bobbie Norb’s XYL, Tom WD8EFF, Heidi WD8EFK, Rick K8SCI, Paul WB8CYI: By telephone,  Joe N8QXC.

There were 12(twelve) members that joined the meeting by video: 1 (one) member by telephone. [Two dogs also appeared on video].

Treasurer's report: Treasurer Dan KB8A stated that the club has money in the bank and the bills are paid.

Awards: None

Field Day: Tom K8DMM suggests that the club think about ways to add points to the club’s score quickly and innovations are needed.  

Sunshine: Bobbie XYL had been ill and is recovering now.

Membership: No new members.

Newsletter: None

Approval of Minutes: Fred N8AHS called for a motion to approve the September 2020 meeting minutes. Fred WB8UDA said that in last month’s minutes it was reported that a few members dropped out of the club and Dan KB8A sent out an updated roster. Fred WB8UDA then asked why Tom K8CNN was dropped because he is a trustee. Dan KB8A replied that Tom K8CNN did not pay his dues and one cannot be a trustee unless you are a member in good standing. Dan KB8A also stated that three others did not pay their dues and he sent out four emails to these people but only received one reply. Tom K8DMM said he would look into why people are dropping out of the club. Then Tom WD8EFF made a motion to accept the minutes for the September 2020 meeting. Rick K8SCI seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Program: None

Two meter net: More people are needed to be net control and also help is needed to broadcast the News Line report. Any volunteers should contact Mary Lou K8MLS.

Education: None

Technical: Norb N8KJT said that a new roof is being put on the building for the 220 and 440 repeater site. A hatch is being put in the repeater room to have access to the roof without having to use ladders. Paul WB8CYI asked the location and type of building the repeater site is. Norb N8KJT said the building is an apartment located at about Ridge and Bunker Roads in North Royalton. The building is about thirty feet tall and a thirty foot mast on top of that for the antenna. The repeaters will be moved there when the work on the site is finished. Rick K8SCI commented that the 440 repeater signal is good at his location and that a school had been knocked down which increased the signal at his location but recommended that the squelch be adjusted. Tom K8DMM is looking for the software to adjust the repeater levels. Also Tom K8DMM said people are using the repeaters.   

Old Business: None

New Business: Dan KB8A said the library is not allowing any meetings in November. Tom K8DMM replied that ZOOM meetings are booked till January 2021. Rick K8SCI said that Santos Restaurant is open and the club is penciled in for the Christmas dinner on 10 December at six p.m.

Fundraising: None

Fred N8AHS called for adjournment. Norb N8KJT made a motion. Rick K8SCI seconded. The motion passed.  

The meeting closed at 1932 hours.

Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI.

NCARC 12 November 2020

Membership Meeting Minutes:

Due to the Corona virus outbreak (COVID-19) a ZOOM Video Communications, Inc. platform was used for a video meeting over the internet. It was also possible to join the meeting by telephone.

 The November 2020 meeting is nominations for officers and some trustees for 2021.

Meeting opened by NCARC Vice President Tom K8DMM at 1907 hours.

The following members joined the video meeting:  Tom K8DMM, Dan KB8A, Mary Lou K8MLS, Steve W8IZ, Fred WB8UDA, Tom WD8EFF, Rick K8SCI, Paul WB8CYI: By telephone, Joe N8QXC.

There were 8 (eight) members that joined the meeting by video: 1 (one) member by telephone. [One dog also appeared on video].

Treasurer's report: Treasurer Dan KB8A stated that the club has money in the bank and the bills are paid.

Awards: None

Field Day: Tom K8DMM was looking for the Field Day scores. The scores should appear in the December QST.  

Sunshine: Tom WD8EFF’s sister passed and a card was sent out.

Membership: No new members.

Newsletter: None

Approval of Minutes: Tom K8DMM called for a motion to approve the October 2020 meeting minutes. Tom WD8EFF made a motion to accept the minutes for the September 2020 meeting. Steve W8IZ seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Program: None

Two meter net: More people are needed to be net control and also help is needed to broadcast the News Line report. Any volunteers should contact Mary Lou K8MLS.

Education: None

Technical: Tom K8DMM said that the 220 and 440 repeaters are on the air and he is waiting for news on moving the repeaters to the new location.   

Old Business: None

New Business: [A letter of intent for 2021 NCARC Officer Position was received from Fred N8AHS.]  Nominations: Steve W8IZ was appointed nominations chairman. Fred WB8UDA and Joe N8QXC declined nomination for president. Fred WB8UDA nominated Steve W8IZ for president and Rick K8SCI seconded. Steve W8IZ accepted. Tom K8DMM will continue as vice president. Dan KB8A will continue as treasurer. Paul WB8CYI will continue as secretary. Mary Lou K8MLS, Norb N8KJT, and Fred N8AHS were nominated to be trustees. Since no positions were opposed, all were elected by acclamation. No ballots will be sent out.

Dan KB8A said the library is not allowing any meetings and they have been cancelling meetings one month at a time. Dan KB8A also stated that the liability insurance premium is due at $400 per year for $1 million coverage. Because the club is not having any gatherings discussion followed about suspending the insurance. Steve W8IZ made a motion to suspend the liability insurance. Rick K8SCI seconded. Motion passed. [The liability insurance will be suspended NOT cancelled.]

December and January meetings are booked on ZOOM. The December dinner meeting will be at Santos Restaurant at 6pm unless the restaurant is closed due to the COVID outbreak.

Fundraising: None

Tom K8DMM called for adjournment. The motion passed.  

The meeting closed at 1949 hours.

Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI.

NCARC 13 August 2020
Membership Meeting Minutes:
Due to the Corona virus outbreak (COVID-19) a ZOOM Video Communications, Inc. platform was used for a video meeting over the internet. It was also possible to join the meeting by telephone.
No Trustees meeting was held for the month of August.
Meeting opened by NCARC President Fred N8AHS at 1901 hours.
[There were intermittent audio problems during the meeting.]
The following members joined the video meeting: Fred N8AHS, Dan KB8A, Mary Lou K8MLS, Tom K8DMM, Rick K8SCI, Tom WD8EFF, Heidi WD8EFK, Fred WB8UDA, Steve W8IZ, Norb N8KJT, Paul WB8CYI: By telephone, Joe N8QXC.
There were 11(eleven) members that joined the meeting by video: 1 (one) member by telephone. [Even some cats and dogs appeared at the meeting.]
Treasurer's report: None was given because Dan KB8A was having audio problems.
Awards: None
Field Day: As mentioned at the July meeting, logs were submitted to the ARRL.
[The club did NOT have a Field Day gathering this year.]
Sunshine: None
Membership: No new members.
Newsletter: None
Approval of Minutes: Motion was made to accept the minutes of the July 2020 meeting by Tom WD8EFF. Tom K8DMM seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Program: None
Two meter net: More people are needed to be net control and also help is needed to broadcast the News Line report. Any volunteers should contact Mary Lou K8MLS.
Education: Fred N8AHS mentioned that there may be some virtual testing in the area.
Technical: Tom K8DMM said both the 220MHz. and 440MHz. are on the air in test mode at his location.
Old Business: Tom K8DMM brought up the issue of renewing the Club’s post office box. Does the Club want to renew the post office box or cancel to save money? [This issue was not discussed at the July 2020 meeting.] Dan KB8A said that not much mail comes to the box and that a lot of the bills are paid online. Dan said also that the rent for the box is $106.00 for the next year. The current period is till 31 August 2020. More discussion followed. Tom WD8EFF made a motion NOT to renew the post office box and use the Treasurers address as the mail contact. Steve W8IZ seconded the motion. The motion passed. The new mail contact info will be put on the website. At this time Tom K8DMM mentioned the” reaction tab” at the bottom of the Zoom screen. This tab can be used to put a visual symbol on the screen in case someone has audio problems and can’t be heard.
New Business: None
Fundraising: None
Fred N8AHS called for adjournment. Rick K8SCI made a motion. Tom WD8EFF seconded. The motion passed.
The meeting closed at 1938 hours.
Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI.

North Coast Amateur Radio Club
Trustee Meeting Minutes - October 12, 2017

Open: 7:04 P.M by Vice-President Fred - N8AHS

     Present: WB8UDA-Fred, KD8NGC-Mary, N8QXC-Joe, K8DMM-Tom, WB8CYI-Paul, N8KJT-Norb, K8VMC-Bill, K8SCI-Rick
     and N8AHS-Fred. (I believe Bobbie Friedrich may have been present that evening also.)

     Total Number Of Hams In Attendance: 9. (If Bobbie was there the total count was 10.)

     Treasurer's Report: (Not given for October '17; neither Dan KB8A nor Mary Lou K8MLS were present).

     Sunshine: Mary KD8NGC sent a card to Dan as he recovers from knee replacement surgery, to Brad K8DWK as he was recovery
     from dialysis and Mary gave a get well card to Bobbie, wife of Norb N8KJT.

     Membership, Education, Awards, Program and Unfinished Business: Nothing to report for the October 2017 NCARC Meeting.

     Fund Raising: Nothing new to report.

     Field Day: Fred N8AHS reports that Field Day 2018 will be on Saturday June 23 and Sunday June 24, 2018. 
     The NCARC had 220 SSB contacts for Field Day 2017.

     2 Meter Net: The NCARC Sunday Evening Informal Net NC Operators are Mary Lou K8MLS, Mary KD8NGC and Fred N8AHS. 

     New Business:  Rick K8SCI wants to put together a 3 person committee to re-invigorate the NCARC with regard to technical,
     membership and website items. The three members chosen were Rick K8CSI, Tom K8DMM and Bill K8VMC with Norb N8KJT
     to help.  Also, one of us will try to send out a meeting reminder e-mail prior to each meeting, particularly for those who do not
     regularly check in to the Sunday Evening Informal Net.  (Related: Tom K8DMM brought a handout to the November NCARC
     Meeting, a copy of which was given to me by Mary KD8NGC.)  Also under New Business a motion to change the callsigns on
     the club's three repeaters to the club's callsign of N8NC was made by Bill K8VMC and seconded by Mary KD8NGC.  The
     motion passed. Also under New Business, per Rick K8SCI the NCARC 2017 Christmas Party will again be held at Santo's
     Restaurant in Middleburg Heights.  Date will be the third Thursday of December, more specificallyThursday 12/21/17
     beginning at 6:30 P.M.

     Motion To Adjourn: made by Tom K8DMM and seconded by Bill K8VMC.

     Close: 7:44 P.M. (I think I made an incorrect notation in my meeting notebook when I wrote in 8:44 P.M.)

      NCARC October 2017 Membership Meeting: (Not held; at least I can't find any reference to one being held in my notebook
     as of this writing on Sunday 2/11/18). 


NCARC 14 May 2020
Membership Meeting Minutes:
Due to the Corona virus outbreak (COVID-19) a ZOOM Video Communications, Inc. platform was used for a video meeting over the internet. It was also possible to join the meeting by telephone.
No Trustees meeting was held for the month of May.
Meeting opened by NCARC President Fred N8AHS at 1910 hours.
The following members joined the video meeting: Fred N8AHS, Rick K8SCI, Tom K8DMM, Dan KB8A, Mary Lou K8MLS, Fred WB8UDA, Paul WB8CYI, Tom WD8EFF, and Heidi WD8EFK.
There were 9 (nine) members that joined the meeting by video.
Treasurer's report: Treasurer Dan KB8A reported that the bills were paid and the club has money in the bank.
Field Day: 27 and 28 June. Fred N8AHS stated that according to the ARRL Field Day was still on and the club will participate.
Sunshine: Mary KD8NGC is still in the nursing home but no visitors are allowed.
Membership: No new members. Fred N8AHS reminds everyone that club dues are due soon, before the first of July.
Approval of Minutes: Tom WD8EFF made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 2020 Trustees meeting. Tom K8DMM seconded the motion. The motion passed. Rick K8SCI made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 2020 membership meeting. Fred WB8UDA seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Two meter net: More people are needed to be net control and also help is needed to broadcast the News Line report. Any volunteers should contact Mary Lou K8MLS.
Education: There is no in personal instruction. Tom K8DMM mentioned that the FCC may be allowing remote VE exams.
Technical: Tom K8DMM said that the 220 repeater has been repackaged and is mostly operational. The fan had been causing electrical noise but that was corrected. The 440 repeater is working. Neither repeater is on the air because antennas are needed.
Old Business: Fred WB8UDA said the thank you letter to the VFW was received.
New Business: Dan KB8A said that at the time of this meeting, the library had no info on opening the library in time for the June 2020 meeting.
Fundraising: None. Fred N8AHS said that he hopes that the Cleveland Ham fest will be held in September so the club can sell some items.
Tom K8DMM mentioned that he had tested the logging computers that the club uses on Field Day. Also to keep advertising of the Club’s Field Day activities low. Fred WB8UDA suggested making the club’s Field Day activities not open to the public. Fred N8AHS said that he would have the club taken off the ARRL Field Day locator.
Fred N8AHS called for adjournment. Tom KD8EFF made a motion. Dan KB8A seconded. The motion passed.
The meeting closed at 1932 hours.
Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI.

NCARC 9 April 2020
Membership Meeting Minutes:
Due to the Corona virus outbreak (COVID-19) an abbreviated meeting was held over the 145.29MHz repeater in a net format.
Meeting opened by NCARC President Fred N8AHS at 1900 hours.
The following members checked into the net: Fred N8AHS, Rick K8SCI, Tom K8DMM, Mary Lou K8MLS, Joe N8QXC, Paul WB8CYI, Tom WD8EFF, Heidi WD8EFK, Steve W8IZ, Jeff KE8NWW, Mike KC8SNR.
There were 9 (nine) members who checked in and 2 (two) guests that checked in for a total of 11(eleven).
Treasurer's report: None
Field Day: 27 and 28 June. The planning meeting will be at the June meeting. It is unknown at this time if Field Day will be held.
Approval of Minutes: Tom WD8EFF made a motion to accept the minutes. Rick K8SCI seconded the motion. No objections were heard.
Two meter net: More people are needed to be net control and also help is needed to broadcast the News Line report. Any volunteers should contact Mary Lou K8MLS.
Education: There is no in personal instruction. Fred N8AHS suggested to “Elmer” somebody, and Gordon West study guides are good.
Technical: Tom K8DMM said that maintenance and improvements continue.
Old Business: None
New Business: May meeting will be on 14 May 2020.
Fred N8AHS called for adjournment. Tom K8DMM made a motion. Rick K8SCI seconded. No objections heard. Tom K8DMM also added, continue to practice your skills so you’ll be ready when emergencies arise.
The meeting closed at 1923 hours.
Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI.

NCARC 12 March 2020
Membership Meeting Minutes:

Meeting opened by NCARC President Fred N8AHS at 1901 hours.

The following members were present: Fred N8AHS, Dan KB8A,

 Rick K8SCI, Fred WB8UDA, Joe N8QXC, Paul WB8CYI. VIA Skype

Tom WD8EFF and Heidi WD8EFK.

There were six (6) members present and two (2) members VIA Skype.

Approval of Minutes: Rick K8SCI made a motion to accept the minutes. Tom WD8EFF seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Because no additional people arrived for this meeting, Fred N8AHS called for adjournment.  Rick K8SCI made a motion to adjourn. Heidi WD8EFK seconded the motion. The motion passed.

The meeting closed at 1903 hours.

Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI.

November '18 NCARC Trustee Meeting Minutes:

November 1, 2018 Open: 6:35 P.M. – Strongsville Branch of the Cuyahoga County Library

Present: Tom-K8DMM, Dan-KB8A, Rick-K8SCI, Paul-WB8CYI, Fred-WB8UDA, Bobbie-SWL, Norb-N8KJT, Mary Lou-K8MLS, Joe-N8QXC and Fred-N8AHS. (10 total).

Treasurer's Report: Dan reports that we have sufficient money in the bank and that the bills are paid.

Field Day: Field Day 2019 will be Saturday June 22 and Sunday June 23, 2019. Note: this is the fourth and not the last weekend of June 2019.

Sunshine, Membership, Approval of Minutes, Education, Fundraising,Technical and Two Meter Net: Nothing new to report at this time.

New Business: 1) Nominations for 2019. 2) Room access: Dan reports that the meeting room should be open at 6:15 P.M. and that we have the room reserved from 6 to
8:30 P.M. currently
each first Thursday of the month January through March 2019.

Old Business: Donut Duty: January '19 Tom K8DMM, February '19 Norb and Bobbie, March '19 Dan and Mary Lou, April '19 Fred N8AHS, May '19 Mary KD8NGC and June '19 Dan and Mary Lou.

Motion To Adjourn: Rick K8SCI. Second: Mary Lou K8MLS.

Close: 6:58 P.M.

- - - - - - - -

NCARC November ’18 Membership Meeting:

November 1, 2018 Open: 7:08 P.M. – Strongsville Branch of the Cuyahoga County Library

Present: Same as in the Trustees Meeting.

Sunshine: Mary KD8NGC in the Northwestern Care Facility would appreciate visitors.

Approval Of Minutes As Published: Motion: Rick. Second: Mary Lou. Motion passed.

Treasurer's Report, Field Day, Membership, 2 Meter Net, Education, and Fundraising: Unchanged from the November 2018 Trustees Meeting.

New Business: Nominations: Committee chaired by Rick K8SCI: Treasurer: Dan-accepted,
President: Fred N8AHS-accepted, Vice President: Tom K8DMM-accepted.
Secretary: skipped for now, Trustees: Fred WB8UDA by Paul WB8CYI-accepted and
Joe N8QXC by Dan-accepted.
Motion to accept all by acclamation: Rick. Second: Norb.
Passed by voice vote of those present.
Footnote: Heidi was contacted by phone and tentatively accepted Secretary for '19.

Motion To Adjourn: Joe N8QXC. Second: Rick K8SCI.

Close: 7:46 P.M.

The above minutes have been submitted by Fred N8AHS and I welcome all questions, comments and suggestions for changes and improvements.
Best 73s,

Fred Heyse

NCARC 12 March 2020
Trustees Meeting Minutes:

Meeting opened by NCARC President Fred N8AHS at 1834 hrs.

The following members were present: Fred N8AHS, Dan KB8A,

 Rick K8SCI, Fred WB8UDA, Joe N8QXC, Paul WB8CYI. VIA Skype

 Tom WD8EFF, Heidi WD8EFK.

There were Six (6) members present and two (2) members VIA Skype.

Treasurer's Report: Treasure Dan KB8A stated that bills were paid and there is money in the bank.  Also Dan KB8A stated that the Librarian told him as we coming in that the Library is closing the meeting rooms till 3 April 2020 because of the Corona virus. Dan also mentioned that all documents for the Federal and State governments have been filed for this year. The Clubs fiscal year ends with July.

Please note: After the meeting the Library changed its policy and closed all branches of the Cuyahoga Public Library until further notice!

Awards: None

Field Day: Fred N8AHS said that Field Day is the fourth weekend in June. Camping will start on Friday 26 June 2020. 

Sunshine: Fred N8AHS said that Mary KD8NGC is living in the Northwestern Nursing Home and is doing well. She would like visitors but at this time the nursing home is not allowing visitors because of the Corona virus.

Membership: No new members.

Newsletter: The club still has no Newsletter.

Approval of Minutes: Fred WB8UDA made a motion to accept the minutes. Tom WD8EFF seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Program: None

Two Meter Net: More people are needed to be net control operators because the club only has two. Any volunteers should contact Mary Lou K8MLS.

Education: Fred N8AHS stated that Medina Amateur Radio club (MARC) is going to have Amateur Radio Classes for all three classes of Amateur Radio licenses. The classes will be at the Medina County Career Center if open.

Technical: Tom K8DMM sent a technical report VIA email to all trustees. Fred N8AHS read the report. Highlights of the report: Tom K8DMM was authorized to purchase a new Arcom interface module for the 440 repeater re-build. Tom K8DMM, being a Good Steward of the club’s money made more tests to confirm that the Arcom 210 repeater controller was working and the Yeasu DR1X repeater’s remote interface was working. This consisted of Tom K8DMM building testing interface cables and logic indicating modules. The tests confirmed that the 210 controller was programmed and receiving commands correctly. Tom K8DMM ordered a new Arcom ADR Custom Programmed Microprocessor IC. This was a $25.00 purchase instead of a $200.00 purchase. The Arcom 210 ports are wired correctly to handle both 220 and 440 repeater control functions. The ADR module was wired correct pin number to pin number but the wrong type of DB9 connecter was used. Tom K8DMM is making new cables to correct this problem. Tom K8DMM will restore the 220 repeater to operation without repackaging so the whole system will be back in operation soon. The 220 repeater will be rebuilt as time allows. The old 440 modules will act as templates to allow the 220 change over with minimum down time.

Dan KB8A stated that about three Sundays ago, he and Rick K8SCI went to the 145.29 repeater site to fix an audio problem on the repeater. The problem was a dirty connection.

Old Business: None

New Business: The Library is closing the meeting rooms till 3 April 2020. Also Joe N8QXC mentioned that the Toledo Fest was cancelled.

Fund Raising: Fred’s, WB8UDA, persistent efforts led to a generous contribution from the VFW Post 6676.

Fred N8AHS called for adjournment. Tom WD8EFF made a motion to adjourn. Dan KB8A seconded. Motion passed.

Meeting closed at 1901 hours.

Please note that things are changing day by day because of the virus outbreak.

Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI. 

NCARC 13 February 2020
Trustees Meeting Minutes:
Meeting opened by NCARC President Fred N8AHS at 1833 hrs.
The following members were present: Fred N8AHS, Tom K8DMM, Dan KB8A, Rick K8SCI,
Fred WB8UDA, Norb N8KJT,Joe N8QXC, Paul WB8CYI. VIA Skype Tom WD8EFF,
Heidi WD8EFK .
There were eight (8) members present and two (2) members VIA Skype.
Treasurer's Report: Treasure Dan KB8A stated that bills were paid and there is money in the bank. Also Dan KB8A stated that the club has the meeting room reserved at the Strongsville Library on the second Thursday each month through June 2020.
Awards: None
Field Day: Fred N8AHS said that the Field Day planning meeting will be part of the June meeting.
Sunshine: Nothing new. All cards have been sent out.
Membership: Larry NB8Z sent in an application with dues to become a member.
Fred WB8UDA made a motion to accept Larry NB8Z as a member.
Rick K8SCI seconded the motion. Motion passed. Larry NB8Z is now a member.
Newsletter: The club still has no Newsletter.
Approval of Minutes: Fred WB8UDA made a motion to accept the minutes.
Rick K8SCI seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Program: None
Two Meter Net: More people are needed to be net control operators because the club only has two. Any volunteers should contact Mary Lou K8MLS.
Education: Fred N8AHS stated that Medina Amateur Radio club (MARC) is going to have Amateur Radio Classes. No further info is available at this time.
Technical: Tom K8DMM reported that he is working on the interface and the Arcom for the 220 and 440 repeaters and there are some problems. Tom K8DMM recommended that the club purchase new parts and cables to get the interface and Arcom to work together. These parts and cables should cost about $300.00.
Fred WB8UDA made a motion to spend up to $300.00 for these parts.
Rick K8SCI seconded the motion. Dan KB8A stated that any purchase over $100.00 must be approved at a membership meeting. Rick K8SCI withdrew his second. The motion was tabled.
Tom K8DMM also recommended that the club change the coax cable on the 224.760/443.150
repeaters to hard-line or Heliax. More discussion about this will take place at a future meeting.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Fund Raising: None
Fred N8AHS called for adjournment. Rick K8SCI made a motion to adjourn.
Tom WD8EFF seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting closed at 1907 hours.
Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI.

NCARC 13 February 2020
Membership Meeting Minutes:
Meeting opened by NCARC President Fred N8AHS at 1908 hours.
The following members were present: Fred N8AHS, Tom K8DMM, Dan KB8A, Rick K8SCI,
Fred WB8UDA, Norb N8KJT, Joe N8QXC, Paul WB8CYI. VIA Skype Tom WD8EFF and
Heidi WD8EFK.
There were eight (8) members present and two (2) members VIA Skype.
Approval of Minutes: Tom WD8EFF made a motion to accept the minutes.
Rick K8SCI seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Norb N8KJT made a motion to set aside $300.00 for the purchase of the parts and cables to get the interface and Arcom to work together. Tom WD8EFF seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Because no additional members arrived for this meeting, Fred N8AHS called for adjournment.
Rick K8SCI made a motion to adjourn. Norb N8KJT seconded the motion. The motion passed.
The meeting closed at 1914 hours.
Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI.

NCARC 9 January 2020
Membership Meeting Minutes:

Meeting opened by NCARC President Fred N8AHS at 1912 hours.
The following members were present: Fred N8AHS, Tom K8DMM, Dan KB8A, Rick K8SCI, Fred WB8UDA, Mary Lou K8MLS, Joe N8QXC, Paul WB8CYI. Visitor, David B.
There were eight (8) members present and one (1) visitor present.
All members introduced themselves with name and call to David B. Then a discussion followed about ham radio, Field Day, the Sunday net, and other aspects of the ham radio hobby.
Because no additional members arrived for this meeting, Fred N8AHS called for adjournment. Rick K8SCI made a motion to adjourn. Mary Lou K8MLS seconded the motion. The motion passed.
The meeting closed at 1920 hours.
Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI.

NCARC November 7, 2019
Meeting Minutes:

Meeting opened by NCARC Treasurer Dan KB8A at 1901 hrs.

The following members were present: Dan KB8A, Joe N8QXC, Rick K8SCI, Paul

WB8CYI, Mary Lou K8MLS, Norb N8KJT, Bobbi guest, Tom K8CNN, Fred WB8UDA.

There were nine (9) members.

Dan, KB8A gave short Treas. report.

Rick, K8SCI stated that he has talked with Network Solutions and was able to obtain the best deal for updating our internet Hosting and Domain name Cost of $ 333.45 for 2 years of Host and 5 years of Domain name.

19:05 Tom, K8CNN arrived.

Norb, N8KJT made a motion for NCARC to purchase the update and domain as stated by Rick, K8SCI. Rick, K8SCI seconded motion. Dan, KB8A called for any discussion, there was none. Motion vote passed.

Dan, KB8A called for any Old Business, none.

New Business:

Dan, KB8A asked Joe, N8QXC to be the election Chairman.

Joe, N8QXC took over as Election Chairman.

He stated that at this time there were only two (2) letters of intent from members:

Fred, N8AHS would accept nomination for President or any other position.

Tom, K8DMM would accept nomination for Vice President.

Joe opened the floor for nominations for President:

Fred, WB8UDA nominated Fred, N8AHS for president. Letter on file.

Joe called for any more nominations for President, there were none. Closed.

Joe opened the floor for nominations for Vice President:

Rick, K8SCI nominated Tom, K8DMM for Vice President. Letter on file.

Joe called for any more nominations for Vice President, there were none. Closed.

Joe opened floor for nominations of Secretary:

Paul, WB8CYI nominated Fred, WB8UDA. He respectfully declined.

Dan, KB8A nominated Paul, WB8CYI. He agreed.

Joe called for any more nomination for Secretary, there were none, Closed.

Joe opened floor for nominations for Treasurer:

Rick, K8SCI nominated Dan, KB8A. He agreed.

Joe called for any more nominations for Treasurer, there were none. Closed.

Joe opened floor for nominations for Trustee 3 years 2020 thru 2022:

Fred, WB8UDA nominated Rick, K8SCI. He agreed.

Rick, K8SCI nominated Tom, K8CNN. He agreed,

Joe called for any more nominations for 3 year Trustee, there were none. Closed.

Joe, N8QXC Election Chairman stated that all positions were filled, there were no positions contested, needing a vote. At 1920 he stated that all candidates were elected by acclamation. He turned over meeting back to Dan, KB8A.

Rick, K8SCI stated that NCARC Christmas dinner will be Dec. 19, 2019. Santos Rest. on Pearl Road, Middleburg Hts. Start at 6:00 PM. All are welcome. Will make

calls on NCARC Nets.

Mary Lou, K8MLS stated that she and Dan have set up the NCARC meeting dates at the Strongsville Lib. On the Second Thursday of the month Jan-Thru April.

We will have the room from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.

Dan, KB8A called for adjournment.

Rick motion for adjournment at 1930 hrs. Second by Mary Lou. K8MLS. Motion passed.

Dan, KB8A closed meeting at 1930 hrs.

NCARC meeting minutes by Fred, WB8UDA.

NCARC 9 January 2020
Trustees Meeting Minutes:
Meeting opened by NCARC President Fred N8AHS at 1839 hrs.
The following members were present: Fred N8AHS, Tom K8DMM,
Dan KB8A, Rick K8SCI, Fred WB8UDA, Mary Lou K8MLS,
Joe N8QXC, Paul WB8CYI.
There were eight (8) members present.
Treasurer's Report: Dan KB8A stated that bills were paid and the club received an anonymous donation. Also the equipment liability insurance increased.
Awards: None
Field Day: Fred N8AHS said that Field Day is June 27 and 28, the fourth full weekend in June. The club will participate in Field Day at Fred’s Tree Farm and camping will begin the night of Friday June 26. Also Winter Field Day is January 25 and 26. The club is not participating in that.
Sunshine: Joe N8QXC reported that former member Bill K8VMC’s wife was in the hospital for a short time and is home now and he sent a card. Mary Lou K8MLS said that members should inform her as soon as possible of any news of members so she can send out cards.
Membership: None
Newsletter: The club still has no Newsletter.
Approval of Minutes: With some discussion Rick K8SCI made a motion to approve the minutes of October and November 2019 including Trustees and Membership meetings minutes of both months. Dan KB8A seconded. The motion was approved.
Program: None
Two Meter Net: Mary Lou K8MLS said that more people are needed to be net control operators because the club only has two. Any volunteers should contact her.
Education: Fred N8AHS stated that N8AUC is having ham radio classes but no details at this time. Tom K8DMM hosted a ham radio presentation to a group of Cub Scouts. Tom K8DMM will be doing more of them in the future.
Technical: Tom K8DMM reported that the 440 machine is not working and he is working on it. Also the 220 machine is not working. Fred N8AHS and Joe N8QXC said that the Echo Link status is unknown and in limbo. Bill K8VMC is working on it.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Fund Raising: None
At 1909 hours David B. arrived. He is a non Ham but interested in the hobby.
Fred N8AHS called for adjournment. Rick K8SCI made a motion to adjourn.
Tom K8DMM seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting closed at 1910 hours.
Minutes submitted by Paul WB8CYI.

NCARC November 7, 2019

Trustee’s Meeting Minutes:

Meeting opened by NCARC Treasurer Dan KB8A at 1831 hrs.

The following members were present: Dan KB8A, Joe N8QXC, Rick K8SCI, Paul WB8CYI, Mary Lou K8MLS, Norb N8KJT, Bobbi , Fred WB8UDA.   There were eight (8) members present.

KB8A asked Fred WB8UDA to take meeting minutes.

Fred noted that Fred N8AHS and Tom K8DMM were excused due to work, illness.

Dan KB8A gave Treas. Report. Stated that bills were paid, IRS and State filings were done. Club sold some items at the September Cleveland Hamfest.

New Business:

    Rick K8SCI discussed that he talked with Network Solutions about renewing our Club internet hosting and        web domain renewal. Cost of $ 333.45 for package deal.  Discussion followed.  Dan the asked for a show of         hand, whom was in favor of this and recommending it to membership meeting vote.  Most were in favor.

Committee Reports:
     Mary Lou K8MLS stated that she would send a sunshine card to Tom K8DMM  for his recent eye surgery. 

     Joe, Rick talked a little bit about the repeater updates. 

     Joe N8QXC had problems in getting any good connection with Tom WD8EFF and Heidi WD8EFK via Skype       or cell phone.  

      Dan KB8A at 18:50 called Tom K8DMM via cell phone and he gave a report on the repeater up dates.
      Still much work to be done.

Dan called for adjournment.

Rick K8SCI motion for adjournment, second by Norb N8KJT. Motion passed.

At 1856 hrs, Dan KB8A adjourned the Trustee’s meeting.

NCARC Trustees meeting minutes by Fred, WB8UDA

Minutes for the NCARC June 2018 Trustees and Membership meeting

Trustees Meeting:  Open: 6:41 P.M.

Present: Tom-K8DMM, Jim-KC8CB, Norb-N8KJT, Bobbie-SWL, Mary Lou-K8MLS, Fred-WB8UDA,
Paul-WB8CYI, Bill-K8VMC, Rick-K8SCI, Dan-KB8A,
Tom-K8CNN, Joe-N8QXC, Tom-WD8EFF,
Heidi-WD8EFK (both via Skype) and Fred-N8AHS.  Total Number in Attendance: 15.

Treasurer's Report: Open: Per Dan - KB8A, there is Money in the Bank and the Bills are Paid.

Awards: None presented at the June 2018 Trustees Meeting.

Field Day: Preparations for Field Day 2018 were well underway on 6/14/18.  For Field Day 2017
expenses totaled $348.  Fred-WB8UDA motioned that $400 be allocated for Field Day '18 expenses.
Fred's motion was seconded by Tom-K8DMM. For computer logging of results Bill-K8VMC kindly
donated his services as he did in '17.  For publicity Bill (and Rick-K8SCI as well, I think-please
correct me if I'm in error) contacted the Sun News, and Melissa Martin of the
Brunswick Post.  Rick updated Field Day information and fliers on the NCARC websites. Paul Heyse,
brother of Fred-N8AHS was able to get us published in the Medina County Gazette.  Dave-N8QAS
was again our sign man. Dave put together 4 new signs this myear to replace our older ones.
Norb-N8KJT and Bobbie along with Bobbie's son John comprised our meal team for FD '18.
Joe-N8QXC supplied radios, solar panels, batteries and other needed equipment. Fred-WB8UDA
and Joe supplied several coolers of ice.   Forgive me if I'm missing anyone's efforts here. Thanks
again to everyone in the club for their work in making Field Day 2018 a success.

Newsletter: Minutes continue to be published by Rick on the website.

Approval Of NCARC Minutes As Published For May 2018: Motion: Rick-K8SCI.
Second: Norb-N8KJT. Motion passed unanimously.

Sunshine: Heidi-WD8EFF has offered to cover the duties of the Sunshine Chair as long as
Mary-KD8NGC remains unable to do so due to her current state of recovery from recent falls.
Thank you Heidi for volunteering and in advance for your work as Sunshine Chair.
The widow of Bob Wittmuss KB8ZJH sent the NCARC a thank you card for the help provided
in selling Bob's equipment

Membership: Tom-K8CNN has joined the club. Tom's application was unanimously approved by
all NCARC trustees present.  Welcome to the club Tom!

Membership Reminder: As of July 1,'18 dues for renewal for 2018-2019 are due for all current
NCARC members. Thank you to one and all who have already paid their dues.
Two Meter Net: New net control operators continue to be needed as well as another volunteer
to transmit the Amateur Radio Newsline and give Dan-KB8A an alternative since he has been for
years now our only volunteer who transmits the Newsline.  (It has in the days after Thursday 6/14
been decided that the NCARC Sunday Evening Informal Net will move from 9 P.M. to 8 P.M.
beginning with the Sunday August 5, '18 net.)

Program, Education and Technical: Nothing new to report for any of these three categories for
the June 2018 meetings.

Old Business: None listed at the June 2018 meeting.

New Business: Rick-K8SCI motioned that the NCARC has one Trustees Meeting per quarter (rather
than the current one per month to fulfill the minimum requirement under the NCARC Bylaws).  The
once per quarter motion, after discussion, did not pass.  Tom-K8DMM motioned that we have
one combined meeting per month rather than the current structure of a Trustees Meeting
immediately followed by the Membership Meeting.  Fred-WB8UDA pointed out that to make
this change would require changes to be made to the NCARC Bylaws.  [Important Footnote: Kindly 
inform me soon, dear NCARC members if I'm getting any details of these New Business items wrong here.
TNX de Fred-N8AHS.]

Motion To Adjourn: Rick-K8SCI. Second: Norb-N8KJT.
Close: 7:52 P.M.

- - - - - - - - - -

Membership Meeting:

Open: 7:55 P.M.

Present: All those who were present during the NCARC June 2018 Trustees Meeting were also
present during the Membership Meeting, except for Dan and Mary Lou who left for home upon
the completion of our extended NCARC June '18 Trustees Meeting.

Treasurer's Report, Newsletter, Approval Of Minutes, Membership, Two Meter Net, Awards,
Program, Education, Sunshine, Field Day, and Old Business: same as under Trustees Meeting above.

New Business: Dan-KB8A and Mary Lou-K8MLS are considering leaving the NCARC Informal Net
at the end of 2018 due to the lack of net control operators and an additional lack of another
volunteer to transmit the Amateur Radio Newsline in place of Dan KB8A who has transmitted it
for 25+ years now.  As noted in the NCARC Trustees Meeting minutes listed above, the Net
will move from 9 P.M. to 8 P.M. effective Sunday August 5, 2018. Those of us present at the
Membership meeting discussed both the above and other items related to possible changes to
the net structure. 
It was (and remains) the general conclusion of those the June '18
meetings that we would like to keep the NCARC Informal Net and we will keep working toward
that goal. Related: Bill-K8VMC noted during our discussion (and Bill has also noted during the
NCARC Informal Net) that he will be shifting the transmission of the ARRL Audio News from
Mondays at 8 P.M. to Fridays at 8 P.M. in order to make sure that all announcements made
in the ARRL Audio News will be transmitted in the most timely fashion possible.

Motion To Adjourn: Tom-K8DMM. Second: Rick-K8SCI.

Close: 8:45 P.M.

I respectfully submit the above minutes to the best of my ability. As noted in the text of the
June '18 NCARC Trustees Meeting, please let me know of any corrections needed to the minutes
as shown above.  Again, I wish each of you and yours a very happy, respectful and safe
Independence Day holiday on Wednesday 7/4/18.

Best 73s,
Fred Heyse N8AHS

NCARC October 2019 Trustees Meeting
Open: 6:41 P.M.
Present: K8DMM-Tom, K8SCI-Rick, N8KJT-Norb, WB8CYI-Paul, N8QXC-Joe, WD8EFF-Tom (via Skype), WD8EFK-Heidi (via Skype) and N8AHS-Fred. Total Number Present: 8 (6 in person and 2 via Skype).

Treasurer's Report: Dan-KB8A was not present at the October '19 NCARC meeting.

Field Day: Results for Field Day 2019 should be published in the December 2019 edition of QST.

Sunshine: WD8EFK Heidi would like to thank the NCARC for the card sent to her during her recent
illness by K8MLS-Mary Lou.

Approval Of Minutes; Motion made by WD8EFF-Tom and Seconded by Joe N8QXC to accept the
September 2019 NCARC Meeting Minutes as published by K8SCI-Rick on the website. Motion passed by voice vote of those present.

Education: N8AUC-Eric is conducting a Technician Class license training class Monday evenings
beginning at 7 P.M. at the American Red Cross located at 2929 West River Road in Elyria.
Please contact Eric at should you know of anyone interested in studying to
take the Technician Class exam.

Technical: $68.15 was spent by K8DMM-Tom on parts for the NCARC Field Day audio amplifiers.
K8DMM-Tom has been contacted by K8CNN-Tom who in turn is in the process of donating
parts to the NCARC. K8SCI-Rick has an older Spectrum microphone that can be used with
the repeaters. Topic of ventilation of the North Royalton repeater site was discussed.

Awards, Membership, Newsletter, 2 Meter Net, Program, Old Business, New Business and Fundraising:
Nothing for these topics was discussed at the October 2019 NCARC Trustees Meeting.

Motion To Adjourn: Made by N8QXC-Joe. Second: Made by WD8EFF-Tom.
Close: 7:12 P.M.

NCARC October 2019 Membership Meeting
Open: 7:12 P.M.

Present: No one else arrived during or after the October 2019 NCARC Trustees Meeting. Please review the "Present" category for the October '19 NCARC Trustees Meeting for a listing of those present.
All Categories For Discussion: Nothing new for any of these meeting topics was discussed at the October 2019 NCARC Membership Meeting.
Motion To Adjourn: Made by K8SCI-Rick. Second: Made by WD8EFF-Tom.
Close: 7:14 P.M.

The above listed October 2019 NCARC Meeting Minutes are respectfully submitted by N8AHS-Fred and I welcome any questions, comments, additions or corrections seen as being necessary by any of the readers of the minutes as l have recorded them here. Looking forward to being in touch with many of you soon.

Best 73s to one and all,
Fred Heyse