N8NC - NCARC - North Coast Amateur Radio Club - N8NC
Serving The Northeast Ohio Counties of Cuyahoga, Lorain and Medina
NCARC Commitees
Amateur Radio Newsline Reports - ( NC8F - Wayne )
Disaster Liaison - None
Awards - None
Field Day - N8AHS - Fred
Fox Hunt - None
Fund Raising - WB8UDA Fred
Hamfest - None
N8NC Club Call Sign Trustee - N8KJT – Norb
(N8NC is used at Field Day and on the Club’s Repeaters)
Membership - Dan, KB8A
Newsletter - Position Open
Net 2 Meter - ( Net Control Ops: Fred - N8AHS, Wayne - NC8F )
Programs - N8AHS, Fred
Public Service - K8SCI, Rick
Repeater Trustee N8NC/R - K8SCI, Rick
Sunshine - ( Position Open )
Technical - Rick, K8SCI
- Tom, K8DMM
- Norb, N8KJT
- Dan, KB8A
Web Site - K8SCI, Rick
CQ CQ de N8NC, N8NC Calling All Amateur Radio Operators
The National Weather Service - National Doppler Rada Sites: Radar Index
N.W.S. Cleveland: Forecast WX-Observations Climate INFO
Lake Erie Nearshore Marine Forecast/Data Conditions (Text): Lake Erie
ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment
Providd by USTREAM: ISS
Cleveland, Ohio USA
SUN-Rise/Set MOON-Rise/Set World-Time

Additional Net Control Operators are needed for the NCARC Sunday INFO Net
<<< Audio LINKS >>>
North Coast Amateur Radio Club - Meetings
*** Not at the Library for the Months of July, August and December ***
"In Person" at the Strongsville Branch of the Cuyahoga County Library,
18700 Westwood Dr, Strongsville, OH - or via ZOOM
Trustees Meeting at 6:45pm JAN, APR, JUL & OCT.
Membership Meetings at 7:00pm
More INFO here: Meeting Program
The Next 2025 NCARC Meetings
February 27 - Fourth Thursday - Membership
March 27 - Fourth Thursday - Membership
April 17 - Third Thursday - Trustee & Membership
May 15 - Third Thursday - Membership
Meeting Times: Trustee at 6:45pm, Membership at 7:00pm.
Here is some INFO about GMRS from Tom W8WIN
GMRS Users are Welcomed At NCARC
The North Coast Amateur Radio Club
(NCARC) welcomes all licensed GMRS operators
to our organization.
NCARC fully supports and encourages any licensed GMRS enthusiasts to participate in club meetings and events.
We believe both Amateur Radio and GMRS are both EXCELLENT radio services that offer a wide variety of positive advantages and enjoyment for it’s users. Some of our members are also active GMRS users as well.
Come join us and make some new friends!
Tom W8WIN / WRKT687
330 461-6653
Website: W8WIN.us
North Coast Amateur Radio Club - Meetings
"In Person" at the Strongsville Branch of the Cuyahoga County Library,
18700 Westwood Dr, Strongsville, OH
OR, by using the ZOOM Invintation LINK that will be sent to you via EMAIL soon by Tom - K8DMM.
You can request a ZOOM LINK by sending an EMAIL to Tom - K8DMM at: k8dmm@arrl.net
for the NCARC Meetings in JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, SEP, OCT and NOV.
The NCARC Membership Meeting in July and August are a Picnic Meeting (See Below).
The NCARC December Meeting is the Clubs Christmas Dinner (Look for Announcement)
Trustees Meeting at 6:45pm JAN, APR, JUL & OCT. - Membership Meeting at 7:00pm
The North Coast Amateur Radio Club would like to invite you to JOIN our Club.
We need the support of the local Amateur Radio Community
Our Repeaters:
145.290 Brunswick, Ohio - Input: -600 kHz Offset - 110.9 Hz Tone Access
224.760 North Royalton, Ohio - Input: -1.6 MHz Offset - OPEN
** DO NOT use 141.3 PL on the 220 Repeater due to a software issue. **
443.150 North Royalton, Ohio - Input: +5.00 MHz - 131.8 Hz Tone Access
Field Day - N8NC, 5A, Battery, QRP
Complete our Application Form and send it in.